Security system engineer

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Hi I have a career/jobish question. My family just bought a small local hotel and we want to replace the security system with a new one; the old one was too simple and some cameras don't even work. Unfortunately, none of our family members know much about cctv systems and business security, so we're thinking of letting an engineer handle it. Is there a specific name for this job position and does it require he/she to have particular skills/ background? Thanks!
That name is proper though locally people prefer to call cctv vala or cctv technician.
I first got confused wit the title as it comes under cisco and network engineering terminology.
like mentioned before, I think all you need if to replace the old system with a new one, a person who can visit on site and see if there are some areas which require some special solutions. Its very difficult to say without assessing the site. If its a small 10 room hotel, I think a menial CCTV waala should do, and a person with some basic knowledge about how to organize the the cameras and their placing. If its a complex arrangement, you'd be better off with a professional company and it would be money well spent.
I work for an integration company and have been reselling Axis, Milestone and SkyREC for years. From what I've seen, most hotels use a third-party installer, and possibly even an off-site monitoring company, and others may use the same company that does their fire alarms. If you want to hire an employee to handle it, I think someone with a security background should not be hard to find in the market. You can also consider hiring a company to pull the majority of the cables to each of the locations, and let your employees come along to do the actual connections.
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