Audio Sennheiser CX-400 Precision II or Brainwave M2 ?

Hi guys,
I am interested in buying either of Sennheiser CX-400 Precision II or Brainwave M2
I love listening all the genres of music, mostly psychedelic, metal, house also classics.
And hence i'm looking out for earphones which give me the optimum output and a very precise balance between bass, middle and treble.

Please suggest me one of these.
And if any dealer has any of these beauties please quote your price i am really interested in buying a good pair of earphones. Alternate suggestions welcome.

Why no reply to this question? I am also confused between the two. Moreover, there is a person who is selling his CX 400 II for Rs. 1000 and claims it is unused and brand new. Shall I buy it from him?
Brainwavez M2 is much better than the Sennheisers if you want something closer to neutral. I haven't auditioned the CX400 II but from what I've heard from people is that the bass is a bit too muddy. I have heard another model from the series(a lower one) and i concur with the same. The M2 would be a more tried and tested choice.
Hi Sharad,
I got myself Sennheiser and I found them very good. The bass is good. I havn't tried Brainwavz but the ppl are suggesting Brainwavz over Sennheiser. About the 1K deal it seems good but verify the dealer. :)