SGS2 Issues

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Just got my SGS2 yesterday..

Am having issues with auto brightness...It just goes off so dark within seconds...
Also , the backlight also goes dim even while I am working on the phone...

The firmware OTA update feature also says coonection failed at all times..

Pls help
Here is the details for Firmware that you need that fixes auto brightness

Samsung Galaxy S II updated: Swype swiftness, auto-brightness fix | Android Community

Samsung’s Galaxy S II may be fresh to the market, but that hasn’t stopped the company’s engineers from pushing out updates. In fact, we’ve seen two firmware updates arrive through Samsung’s Kies app in short order, bringing the GSII up to i9100XWKE2.

The first left Swype more responsive and apparently also addressed some connectivity issues, while the second fixed the Galaxy S II’s automatic brightness. The firmware is also rootable, which is good news for those looking forward to all the third-party hacks we’re promised.

You’ll need to hook your Galaxy S II up to Kies in order to download the update – we’ve tried through the smartphone’s onboard firmware update tool, and it can’t find any new builds.

So you need to hook your S II up to kies to download the update. So try it out and let us know. Hope this helps
aradhakr84 said:
So you need to hook your S II up to kies to download the update. So try it out and let us know. Hope this helps

tried this. It says its the latest firmware available . Im on XWKF3. This thing is driving me nuts...

Wished I would have gone for iphone 4 ...:(
Come on, don't say that. SGS II is much better than Iphone 4 given the hardware and functionality you get along with it. Anyways, did you try to get the firmware by going to Samsung service center? Maybe they can help you with firmware update.
Isn't this the latest firmware?

Have you tried turning off auto brightness ? What is the Screen Time out set to?
mk151 said:
Bought 3 days back from Randeep. Got a vat bill and everything. Import date says August 2011..

Perfect. Then why not try Samsung Service center. That way you can avoid unnecessary headache and handle the problem efficiently.
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