Monitors Should I wait before buying a LCD, #budget cut

I wanted to buy a LCD monitor 24 inch with HD, today, but due to the budget cut, I have decide to ask you guys, how long before the prices are cut?
One week??
Coz I don't want to buy today, if for the price of 22'' I can get a 24'' tomorrow.
Plz suggest.
i dont think budget cut will affect so soon...

Rather buy the Dell 24" @ 12750 shipped by pheonix in dealer section before the deal gets over.
It might take 3 to 6 months for the budget cut to reflect in the LCD TV prices. If you can wait till then, it is good. Otherwise do as sato has suggested.
The hidden fact is,NO.

Budget doesn't effect the prices of LCD TV or Monitors.

only small sized low end models will be assembled in India by importing the panels.

Only the tax was reduced for these panels alone and not the monitors or TV's.

More over LCD panels prices hiked in International market recently.

Actually they should hike the prices,but now they might not hike nor reduce the prices.

Finally NO price drop.
If you can then definitely it would be fruitful to wait it out.... LCD prices are decreasing every month.. So in next six months you will be paying lesser than what you will be now.. But don't expect price cuts on Budget's account since as Tech Hunter said its only for LCD panels which goes in the LCD produced indigenously...

Eventually prices will go south anyway.. Postpone your purchase if you can wait otherwise its not a bad time to get an LCD...
^^postponing sales always costs less but also deprives the user of the 6-months of utility, pleasure and satisfaction that he would get if he purchases now.

PS: In contrast, postponing GFX purchase is easy and fruitful but LCD prices dont drop as fast as GFX prices.

Hence the correct LCD (22"/24" for current time) purchase at the right time (NOW- Gr8 deals), makes more sense.