Signature trees


hi everyone,
I've been given a miniproject to implement signature tree indexing. The project is very vague which basically means i can use any of my old already made projects and change the backend to include a signature tree index but the problem is i've NO idea :S wtsoever how to go about it. Can anyone here give me some idea about how to start? :ashamed: Please keep in mind that my DBMS knowledge is basic at best. Thx.. :)
vrd said:

Tht's the one.. :hap2:
Sorry guys.. been on the move..
What i want to do is use signature trees as a method of indexing a database. Signature trees store signatures :S of the values that are stored in the database. The signature is generated using a hash function. The signature is usually of the form of bits.. (0's nd 1's :tongue: ) and then the data can be retrieved using those signature's.
What i really wanna know is how exactly do i go about implementing this? Is it possible to implement custom indexing methods is say Oracle or SQL or MYSQL?? If yes how?? :huh: :ashamed: :(
i really rather not go through the pain of buliding my own database for this one thing alone :(