PC Peripherals Single or Dual?


I just finished getting all the parts for my new rig except for the CPU and GPU which i still havn't fully decided on though i'm fairly sure i'm going to go with a Dual Core for the prossesor (its AMD based motherboard).

My biggest probelm is the GPU. My board has more then enough open slots to fit any type of GPU. The board has SLI tech built it so its going to be an NVIDEA GPU. I'm not sure though weather i should get 1 card or a dual card ???? Does it really make that much of a diffrence?
Its not really worth it to go SLI unless ur getting two of the best cards, ie 7900 GTX or GT. Because if your gettin two low end cards and putting them in SLI(say 7600 GS/GT), you might as well buy one higher end card and get the same performanec for cheaper and lower power consumption. And you dont have to get an Nvidia card specifically because its an SLI mobo, you can out any card you want.
if i did get sli, i would be getting the geforce 950 card which is the newest one. price tag is $600 for the dual thou so i'm debating weather to get one or two of them. i'm thinking one for now and a second once the prices drop a little and/or when i have more cash
The 7950 GX2 does not officially support SLI as of now(effectively Quad SLI). But according to the news a driver will be released for it by the end of the summer. The 7950 GX2 seems like a good VFM card. So if you wanna buy two of em, by all means go ahead and buy one now. Later when the driver releases buy one more, it'll probably be cheaper then too.