CPU/Mobo Skylake/Z170 DDR4 Comaptibility Issues


Das Layzeemeister
Calling all Skylake Z170 masters here. Is anyone facing or has faced issues with getting the mobo to play nice with the high speed RAM's?

I've been reading on corsair and a few other forums where there's a whole bunch of folks reporting issues with booting their rigs with XMP enabled and after pages of reading I've figured it isn't just limited to Asus/Corsair .. I'm thinking this is looking more like a major generational issue with Skylake and supporting hardware compatibility ?

My own case in point: I5 6600k on Maximus VIII Hero with 2x8GB DDR4 LPX 2666Mhz C16 kit sticks running the default boot runs fine only on 2133 settings. If I enable XMP and boost to 2666MHz preset profile, it won't post with the Asus Qled code showing 55 indicating memory fail.

I've tried updating the bios to the latest release and retried but to no luck.

So I thought I'd get feedback from any Asus ROG owners here on any similar experiences and workarounds?

Should I try forcing manual tweaks for the memory?
You say you've updated to latest BIOS - what is the BIOS number? Mine was 906 previously and the latest is 1803 apparently (for my H170-PRO board).