Budget 20-25K Smart phone for around 25k for apps


I'm buying a smart phone for using apps (75%) , Internet browsing & banking (10%) , Voice Assistant (5%) , Camera + Gaming,etc (5%).
It is very unlikely that I'm going to be playing big title games that takes 1-2GB and lot of processing power Gaming is the least preference .

1. Budget?
A: Around 25k

2. Preferred Form Factor(flip, bar, slider)?
A: Bar

3. Preferred display type?

4. Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them.
A: No Samsung

5. Preferred input method (Touchscreen, QWERTY, etc.)?
A: Touchscreen

6. Camera required or not? If required, please specify type like front camera/flash/etc.
A: Camera is not a big concern

7. Preferred operating system? (Android, Symbian, iOS, Windows Phone etc).
A: Android or Apple only

8. Preferred connectivity options? (3G, Wifi, Edge etc).
A: 3G + Wifi

9. What is your intended use for this phone(internet, camera, multimedia, mails, etc)?
A: Apps > Browsing & banking > Digital Voice Assistant > Camera > Videos > light gaming.

10. Any other requirements?
A: Looks > Build quality

11. If you have already considered a phone then please mention the model.
A: Nexus 4 / Htc One X / One X+

The nexus 4 is available on ebay.in for 24K (8gb) and 16GB for 27K . I can use 5-7% off to shave ~1.5k off the price . Heard HTC One X and One X+ is available for 23K and 28K respectively. Well Apple is out of my reach.
HTC One X looks Logical buy. if you can extend budget upto 27k, you might get the HTC One X+

Hm.. Apart from more memory space and faster processor and better camera , I guess the oneX+ dose'nt have much compared to One X ? And since I'll be using only apps and browsing , most probably I won't notice any difference between X and X+ .
So it's either One X or Nexus4 which costs exactly the same .
I like HTC's design and build over nexus . Also OneX has more real estate since Nexus 4 has on screen button within the 4.7 inches.
I like Nexus's google now. I can wait for a week or so to get updates from android. But will One X support the next android 5.1 update (lime pie ?) . Very likely Nexus 4 will support it.
For apps and browsing , will Nexus4 be faster than one X ? Will I notice any difference ?
Also how is HTC 's voice assistant compared to Google now?
Is stock android better than HTC's version of android ?