Linux Solus linux - built from scratch

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Reviews say it is quite fast. Most reviewers are really impressed by it. I downloaded the Budgie version and have yet to test it out in a VM.
Some of the YT vids I watched on this -

Home page -

Just looking at the videos, it seems like elementary os and windows 10 have merged a bit. I liked the way how updates are shown. Beats even windows updates imo. Need to test it out.

Some more info from wikipedia:
Solus brings updates to its users by means of a curated rolling release model. It is a rolling release in the sense that once installed, end-users are guaranteed to continuously receive security and software updates for their Solus installation without having to worry that their operating system reaches end-of-life. The latter is typically the case with fixed point releases of operating systems such as Fedora and Ubuntu but also Microsoft Windows. Marius Nestor at Softpedia has argued that all operating systems should use the rolling release model in order to decrease development and maintanence workload for developers and to make the latest technologies available for end users as soon as these are ready for the market.[22]

Compared to other rolling release operating systems such as Arch Linux - which provides bleeding edge software, i.e. software so new that there is a high risk that software breakages might occur and render the system partially or completely unusable, Solus takes a slightly more conservative approach to software updates, hence the term curated rolling release. In contrast to Arch, Software on Solus is commonly referred to as cutting edge, typically excluding beta software, and is released after a short period of testing (in the unstable software repository) to end users in order to provide a safer, more stable and reliable update experience. By prioritizing usability (curated rolling release) over availability (pure rolling release), Solus intends to make the operating system more widely accessible, targeting users with varying degrees of computing experience from beginners to advanced users alike. Consequently, Solus shares a much larger potential user base with Microsoft Windows and macOS than with Arch Linux which is mainly aimed at more advanced users willing to learn their system inside out.

Solus is also a curated rolling release in allowing its users to participate in the actual curation process, broadly conceived as the process by which software is selected, maintained and updated (on the sever side in the software repositories of the operating system as well as on the client side on the end users computer system). More specifically, and contrary to other operating systems with various 'enforced update mechanisms' at place, a Solus user has the freedom to choose what gets updated and when updates are applied (if at all), except for mandatory security updates. Matt Hartley has praised this recently in his overview of the best Linux-based operating systems of 2017, that "like fixed release distributions, you're free to keep updates fixed to security only if you so choose"[23] and that it is "a powerful statement"[24] to have the "ability to choose how Solus updates".[25]
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Yeah, just tried the budgie version. Quite resource heavy at times in the vm. I'm seeing it take full 100% load when opening firefox. firefox kills the vm for some reason.
most of the time its at 2% to 13% load on cpu. Memory usage was around 490+ MB out of 1024MB. Not bad.

I also saw something weird. when i reduce the number of virtual desktops from 4 to 1, the whole system began slowing down and went from fast to power point slideshow speed. things would open up 10 seconds after i clicked on them. really weird.

downloading the mate version now. I think there is option to install mate desktop on the budgie system, but dont want to do that. new iso is okay with me. lol.[DOUBLEPOST=1499256584][/DOUBLEPOST]Tried the Mate version. Boots up in less than 10 seconds to desktop in VM. Firefox is resource hungry here and makes CPU jump to 100 percent for some time. After a few minutes, CPU usage normalizes to 30% with FF open. Without FF, it's 1% only most of the time.

I came across some software in this by chance. It told me that I was running out of disk space and to move or uninstall stuff. Was showing disk usage in pie chart graph.[DOUBLEPOST=1499256853][/DOUBLEPOST]Forgot to add, in both VM, I allowed only one CPU core of my 3.5gHz AMD CPU and only 1gb of memory.

Memory use in Mate version was around 400MB. I think we could use this in low powered machines after uninstalling the unnecessary software coming with the iso. FF should be replaced with something less resource hungry.
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I installed this on the Intel NUC. It works better than Lubuntu and Linux Mint in live mode. It even installed bluetooth drivers for the inbuilt wifi + bluetooth card. I couldn't see if wifi drivers were installed or not. Everything worked quite well after installing to the sdcard. Firefox took less cpu and memory compared to what it took in live mode while running. It does take 100% cpu when it starts up but after 10 seconds the cpu usage falls to around 25-30% and goes lower if FF is minimized.

Lubuntu did not install bluetooth drivers in live mode. It took very little ram and resources. Looked too dull imo.
Linux Mint 17 failed to even go into live mode - it just went to blank screen.

I hate Caja. This file & folder browser in Mate is the worst. Coming from Nemo, this file explorer looks and works like crap. There is no option for opening any folder as root in this. I searched the web and most of the answers was to install caja extensions. Installed it along with a dozen dependencies. Didn't work. There's no extension to open as root in the preferences.
Wanted to put Nemo, but the software repo didn't have it. Another weird think i saw was, while trying to share a folder in caja. It wanted me to install samba which is already installed. This program does not work properly. It should be changed to something else. imo its a useless thing. every thing's missing in it.

If any one knows of any good file & folder browser for Mate, please let me know. I don't want to use caja at all.[DOUBLEPOST=1499517875][/DOUBLEPOST]I removed this this OS. Got fed up of the constant tinkering to make things work. I mean even small things like print screen doesn't work in this without having to install some stupid plugin.

Installing Linux Mint 18.2 now.
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