Some Relief to CPU in this chennai heat..:P


Some Relief to CPU in this chennai heat..:p

Had been w8ing long to buy this..

Here it is... had ordered this CPU cooler from ITwares day before yesterday and it reached yesterday. very fast delivery. really impressed.

Damages 3750/- + 150/- shipping

Let the pics talk
































Temps comparison


the day got over... need to do more testing..

Now there 2 things remaining to complete my rig.. one good monitor and a good keyboard...:clap:
Wooah...! That HSF really keeps it cool while on stress...! Just had a couple of questions:

1. Could you not have oriented the HSF in parallel with the exhaust fan. I think there would have been enough clearance between the NHD12's fans and the XM3's heat spreaders.

2. You used the bundled NTH1 or another TIM application.

3. Did you spread the TIM out -- or used the pea dot and applied pressure via the HSF mounting. Could not tell from the images.

4. I think it comes with one fan, you purchased a Noctua fan separate.

Though excellent results.
moksh4u2 said:
great upgrade man

and great rig :)
Thanks very much....

asingh said:
Wooah...! That HSF really keeps it cool while on stress...! Just had a couple of questions:

1. Could you not have oriented the HSF in parallel with the exhaust fan. I think there would have been enough clearance between the NHD12's fans and the XM3's heat spreaders.

2. You used the bundled NTH1 or another TIM application.

3. Did you spread the TIM out -- or used the pea dot and applied pressure via the HSF mounting. Could not tell from the images.

4. I think it comes with one fan, you purchased a Noctua fan separate.

Though excellent results.

1. My top fan is Exhaust Fan. So its in parallel with the exhaust fan. plus Hot air always go up so its a plus too.:)

2. Yes, I used bundled thermal paste.

3. used the pea dot. I applied first and attached the heat sink and then removed the heat sink to see how the paste spreaded. It had spreaded nicely. So repeated the procedure.

4. It comes with 2 fans. Push-pull arrangement.

have to do more testing on this. But weekdays have will get just 2 hours everyday..:mad:
^If the top fan is an exhaust, you have your fans installed in the wrong way. At present, the fans on your heatsink is blowing the warm air towards the GPU. Consider reversing the arrangement so the warm air is expelled towards the top fan.

Congrats on the cooler and a pair of solid fans!
Why are the RAM sticks next to each other? Shudnt they be in alternating(same color slots) for dual channel config?
Gannu said:
^If the top fan is an exhaust, you have your fans installed in the wrong way. At present, the fans on your heatsink is blowing the warm air towards the GPU. Consider reversing the arrangement so the warm air is expelled towards the top fan.

Congrats on the cooler and a pair of solid fans!
Thanks.. I checked which way the fans were throwing the air. Both the fans on cooler were throwing air upwards. Its wasn't throwing the air on GPU.

princeoo7 said:
congrats bro.... :)

great temps u got their.
what r u'r room temps ???
Thanks.. Room temp is around 30 or plus degrees. Really hot here in Chennai these days.

touzeen said:
Why are the RAM sticks next to each other? Shudnt they be in alternating(same color slots) for dual channel config?
Yup, they should be in same color slots. Actually didn't think while installing those and i blindly followed the way my last PC was assembled in which the colored slots were adjacent. Thanks for pointing it out. Corrected it.

rahulyo said:
Congrats Bro ...
devesh38 said:
Thanks.. I checked which way the fans were throwing the air. Both the fans on cooler were throwing air upwards. Its wasn't throwing the air on GPU.
Then there is something definitely wrong! If you have installed the fans as shown on the snap, the fans ARE indeed throwing the air towards the GPU. Open up your chassis and check again! :p
Gannu said:
Then there is something definitely wrong! If you have installed the fans as shown on the snap, the fans ARE indeed throwing the air towards the GPU. Open up your chassis and check again! :p

observe these two pics.


before booting my pc. I had this arrangement. top fan had frame towards the heatsink and bottom fan (seen in the 1st pic) has frame away from heatsink. I had put this arrangement as i thought the fans will rotate in same direction throwing air opposite to where frame of fan is.

But on booting the pc i saw that it was throwing air to the gpu. So i changed the direction of bottom fan and also observed that top fan inspite of frame towards the heatsink was throwing air upwards.
so the orientation of bottom fan now is not what is seen in the 1st pic. So i am pretty sure that the bottom fan is not throwing air on gpu.

I may have observed the direction of top fan wrongly. Will check that again today evening after i reach home.
If u notice in some pics,, In starting I even had the cooler installed horizontally. I was seeing how the heatsink connects with the brackets during which i took some snaps. After that i changed the brackets orientation and made HSF vertical.
Just stick an incense stick in there and confirm the air flow. Though you seem to have got it fine now.

Thanks for answering the questions. See you at the OC competition soon. Keep a watch on the announcements section..! :)
CA50 said:
Nice and sensible upgrade :)
Thanks very much.

asingh said:
Just stick an incense stick in there and confirm the air flow. Though you seem to have got it fine now.

Thanks for answering the questions. See you at the OC competition soon. Keep a watch on the announcements section..! :)
Hehe.. I was going to buy this heatsink later this month. But seeing that OC competetion i ordered it now only. :p

I am keeping watch on that section..:D
nice cooler make sure change the fan cooler horizontally, due to exhaust hot air will flow outtake on the back side of the cabinet, so anyway nice setup so which monitor are u getting it soon,

in chennai so which company are u working :)
^G.Skill Ripjaws yes but I am not sure about Vengeance. The heatspreaders on Vengeance are taller than the the ones on Ripjaws.
Arun.P said:
nice cooler make sure change the fan cooler horizontally, due to exhaust hot air will flow outtake on the back side of the cabinet, so anyway nice setup so which monitor are u getting it soon,

in chennai so which company are u working :)
didnt get u by this statement "due to exhaust hot air will flow outtake on the back side of the cabinet"...??

I am thinking of Dell U2311 now. But Was looking at the dell 2012 lineup too. I have some 1 or 2 months for buying the monitor. so will w8 and see.

I am working in ashok leyland (mech eng) here.:)

ronit said:
Coool..Damages did pay off
Thanks..Till now it looks like the damages paid off.

Looking at the overall damages, Now i need an AC...:p

mrcool63 said:
dude will this cooler clear the vengeance heatsinks or the gskill x ripjaws heatsinks? just hovers above the xms3..
I had read on sites that this will accomodate the bigger rams too (atleast the ripjaws). If u need the clearance height i can measure and post it here in the evening.

EDIT : i found this pic online..:(


Couldnt find RAM compatibility for my HSF.

But found for NHD14 :

One more pic about specs..
