Monitors Some Suggestion for 22' LCD

Hi EveryOne,

I am planning to build a PC and I'll be doing buying things Part by Part...
I have taken up 22' LCD as my first Purchase.

My Budget is Max 13K and only thing that matters to me is Good Performance and VFM.
Looks and all other bells and whistles (attached speakers,web cam etc) does not make a differrence.
Reading the SidhuPuNjab Guide I had my eyes set on LG 226W but the only place I know where its availale is CHROMA in Faridabad.
Do I have any other choice in this Range if yes than from where can I buy those.
I am putting up in Delhi so please help me out in this....:S

As some one else also started a similar thread I think we need some good Comparisons and suggestion in this front from big guns.
Regards and Thanks in advance...........:)
rocky_jvm said:
get samsung newer series T200 something. Atleast have a look before u go for lg

that will be T220.its a good monitor and possibly the best out there which has low input lag and contrast on par with other monitors,and excelent for games,very less afterglow .but they are hard to find and for sure will be priced more then ur budget
One of my Old dealer who charge little high than others but very prompt in service NOW Recommend 22" Viewsonic, don't know the model but it's without DVI cable.
Guys please help me out!!!
To day I will be going to Nehru Place and buy my LCD. I am talking a half day off from my manger.
Please Give me some more suggestions.
Till now I have my eyes set on Viewsonic VX 2235 WM-5 or VX 2240
Of I am able to fingd LG 226W I wmay go for it. Samsung T220 seems to be a bit out of budget and 2243NWX is not good for gaming because of slower response time.
I am not very sure about BenQ as no reviews are available for it and I am not very sure wether it will be available in Nehru place or not.

Guys please help me out!!!!!!!:-(
im from kerala, i just confirmed..the samsung T220 is available for 15.5k including VAT...those who are looking for this particular model...i can get it for you guys...will PM the shop guy's no and site.
I will leave for NP in another 2 hours. Guys let some more suggestions pour in....
Thanks for the suggestion PwnZor but I would prefer to buy directly from the shop
xtr.pwnzor said:
Ankurkh...easy options.
1. Go for LG 226WTQ if its available, if its not available, then

2. GO For Viewsonic VX 2235 WM-5 or VX 2240

Just to make sure : according to you LG 226 is better than Viewsonic models?
it seems that the samsung T220 is available at a shop @ my place...but they r quoting a pretty high price...15.5k

I got this for abt month back for 12.8K from SP road. went to purchase dell saw the poster hanging in his shop n asked for the price he told 12.8k i asked him ten times can't believe myself even asked for price before paying also.