Monitors Some suggestions on LCD again...


Which one of the following LCD will be the best ?

Samsung 740NW (Widescreen)

Samsung 740N

Viewsonic VA1912w

Some sites say that the Samsung 740N is a TN panel :S . I saw the samsung 740N and the color reproduction was very nice. Has anyone used the Samsung 710NW widescreen LCD ? Is it the same technology as in the 710N ? And also considering that the viewsonic 19" is only 1k more than the samsung 17", however it is a TN panel, so which one will be preferred from color reproduction POV, samsung or the viewsonic ?
Yep, the 740N is a TN panel. All are TN panels and specs between them should be fairly similar.

Some have mentioned that the Viewsonics do have good color reproduction, but if you found the 740N to have good color reproduction, thats a good choice :)

The 19" widescreen is also good considering its only 1k more. However being a widescreen, its height will be roughly the same as a 17" non-wide.