Something to control my fans Zalman MFC-2


This just came in today

Shows 4 temps with it own probes.
controls 4 fans
and shows total watts consumed its quite accurate very close to my watt meter.

sweet i want one of these as i was looking for something that shows total watts consumed

my mom is always after me with a broom sayin the bill will be sky high :p

whats the damage and can u get one for me ? :)
ossum...i was lookin out for this one...but my bro told me that the viewing angle of the LCD is impossible to read except from a straight-on it..??? does it have an option to adjust the brightness of the LCD..???

anywayz congrats...nice buy...:hap2:
and do let us knw about the damage...:D
Ya its true it quite hard to read the lcd from sides Zalman should have given a brightness control Straight up it's fine and looks very good in the bay.

Got it from US cost was about 2.5k + 1k was for courier & duty to bombay.
Wowie- Congrats. :hap2:

Can you tell me how much wattage can it handle per fan channel? :p
And can it control fans manually, independent of the temp probes? :ashamed:

I have not yet bought a decent fan controller as i have been unsure of getting one for Bling or hi-wattage support. :(
Maybe one of each- in a Stacker 810. :eek:hyeah: