Sony Ericsson K750i query


i am contemplating buying a K750i and add to it 1gb card and a HPM70 headphone.
i wanted to know whether the sound output from the speaker in the k750i is too low to be heard.
i have read in many reviews about people complaining about low ringtone volume.
can anybody who has used both k750 and walkman series comment on this.
i am more inclined towards this one rather than w700 just becoz of autofocus.
also how is the music output coming out of the speakers in the phone.i know it does not stand a chance here against w550i but is it audible enough to enjoy without headphones.
the ringtone is very loud. it mainly depends on the file u are using as ringtone. the max ringtone is 8 or 9 i am using max 4 or 5 always.

hearing music from speakers is very decent. u need to keep it on wood to get good effect.

the ringtone volume is much much louder than the mediaplayer max volume when u use speakers.