Sony Vaio


Hi guys...

Got this black beauty as a gift from my dad...:clap: hehe... dunno how much it cost but approx @ 70k

for more pics... plz tune to the rig gallery..



congratulations! :hap2:

wat spec/config/screen size it is? Pent-M is fast getting outdated these days.. so 70k seems a li'l on the higher side..
TheMask said:
congratulations! :hap2:
wat spec/config/screen size it is? Pent-M is fast getting outdated these days.. so 70k seems a li'l on the higher side..

well... what can i say...

"It's a Sony!"

:eek:hyeah: :eek:hyeah:
^ of course it is .. n no offense :tongue:
asking coz superczar bot a much higher spec'ed Vaio not so long ago for around 62k..
well... i forgot to mention that dad bought this lappy in last september i guess... but since i was busy wid my xams nd stuff... wasn't able to show-off..:bleh: :bleh:. nd now as my xams have ended... m free... :D :D
bloody hell, thats a rip-off....

a 14.1" Pentium M 750 lappy for 70k :O

mate, you could have got 2 of em at that price


September last kinda explains it though still overpriced by sep 06 standards as P-M (Dothan) prices had crashed by June last after Yonah and subsequently Merom's arrival.

what series is this, FJ?
found it..

kau_therock said:
well... i forgot to mention that dad bought this lappy in last september i guess... but since i was busy wid my xams nd stuff... wasn't able to show-off..:bleh: :bleh:. nd now as my xams have ended... m free... :D :D
oh.. that long back? umm.. price still seems to be a tad on the higher side even for a 'Sony' back then

but, u've got it, flaunt it.. Enjoy! :hap2:
Changed my wallpaper....:eek:hyeah:

now.. it looks like this...:clap:

has all the widgets required... except for playin music... i can't find anythin thats good :mad: :mad:

And it has Indian time too :bleh: