SOS: Setting up WiFi on Airtel Broadband?!

I got the WiFi to work, like without the internet ...

Can't seem to get the router to detect the modem and connect to the internet.

Probem is, the Router wants the default IP as "" and the same applies to the modem. Along with the DNS, the modem requires "" as the default gateway.

Now, with this conflict, I have no idea what to do. I know the modem won't accept anything else, any way to change it around in the modem?

Or has anyone done it that can give me their contact info and/or a guide?

Any help in this case would be really really helpful. I've already figured out the security settings etc, just can't get the bloody net to work.
You can change it in both router and modem. For the ADSL router from Airtel log on to it using its webpage.... username:admin password:admin and than change the lan settings and change the dhcp address range and routers ip address for internal lan. this is no rocket science, just log in and u will see for yourself, its damn easy.
hey dere !

even i have a wifi set up on my airtel connection

my lappy uses the wireless where as my pc is connected to the routr via a cable

i am using a netgear wireless router

simply call the airtel chaps just tell dem to configure it say u had talkd on the phn wid em

dey really help!
@ techcheat: When I log in to the Linksys router using "" it doesn't change it for the Modem. The option is there for the Router and the other comps that will be connected to the network, the "Airtel Modem" isn't an option at all.

I can set the router to - Infact it IS set to that, but I can't change it, that's the problem.

@lord_shrex: Airtel won't help me, 'cause the modem is my personal purchase, long as the modem works it's not thier lookout, or so they claim.

Thing is, Airtel modem REQUIRES as the default gateway, there's no other way about it. And I have an always on connection, so I don't have a Login ID or Password either.

Now, unless I can find out a way to adjust my router to anything except the 192.168.1 series, it won't work.

So, if someone has done it for the same, your help would REALLY be appreciated ^^
There's two ways to go about this. The first would be to change the LAN IP of the WRT54G to something like You can do that by logging into the router using Leave the username field blank and put in admin as the password. On the main setup page, under Local IP, change it to and click Save Settings. That should be enough. Problem is that you won't get to use any of the port forwarding, triggering or any other fancy features that Linksys provides!!

The second option is one that I prefer. In fact, it's the same thing that I've done with my BSNL connection and a WRT54G back home in Goa. First you'd need to configure the modem in bridge mode, and then enable PPPoE on the WRT54G using your Airtel username and password to authenticate from the router instead of on the modem itself. What modem are you using anyway???
It's the Beetel 220BX ADSL2+ Modem

What exactly will I get out of "Port forwarding, triggering or any other fancy features that Linksys provides!!" ? :p

To fgollow the PPPoE it, I'll have to call up Airtel and have them change the wqay I access the net as of now then right, 'cause mine is AN ALWAYS ON connection, no dial in, password or anything.

Please do elaborate Edrill ^^
Hmmm... If you don't plan to use the fancy features that Linksys provides, I guess you might as well leave the modem as it is. Here's what you'd have to do. First, make sure that the WRT54G is not connected to the modem. Login to the setup page of the router using IE through no username, admin for password. On the main page, for local IP where it shows you, change it to and Save Settings. It will probable take a bit of time and then come back with a Page Cannot Be Displayed message. That's fine. Now connect the modem to the router's Internet port and then release and renew the IP on the PC. That's it. You should be up and running after that. One thing I'm not sure about is if the 220BX gives out a dynamic IP. I think you might have to change the Internet Connection Type on the WRT54G to Static IP and give the following information:

IP :

Subnet Mask :

Default Gateway :

DNS 1 :

DNS 2:

That should about do it. Lemme know what happens.
Omg excellent!

I tried a bit of what you said and a bit of what I gathered on my own.

I changed the Routers local IP to (or 10.1) whichever you prefer, and saved it.

Turns out, it accepted that and changed the DHCP assignment IP section to or w/e, so it assigns IP's in the same segment, unlike earlier when it was stuck at 192.168.1.X

The key part here was the Static IP thing, just couldn't figure out where to put that in until you mentioned it. Did that and it's working smooth as a babys butt!

Thanks alot Edrill, you're info was the only thing that made this possible! Reps added :)

EDIT: So, now that I'm still on the 192 series, what's with all the added features etc. anything special? :p
You're welcome dude. The major problem here is that the modem itself has NAT enabled so you won't really be able to host any servers or anything if required since port forwarding/triggering/etc have some functionality problems in dual NAT setups. Any IP on the LAN side is fine so long as it's not in the same network as the WAN side. As for the static IP, I myself just got my Airtel connection a couple of days ago and Airtel gave me the 220BX, that's how I know there's no DHCP server on it. I've not really had the time yet to sit and fiddle with the modem, which I intend to do today!