Audio SQ wise: Grado SR60 vs Head-direct RE0 ?


O yeah .. I'm comparing oranges with apples :D but i have ~$80 budget and i don't bother about portability,comfort just Sound Quality :bleh: because both have them similar type of sound signature (excellent treble with good bass).

So guys,which would be better investment ?
You have to elaborate a little more to get a accurate response, like whats the source, what genre of music you listen to, will you be using it at home, office, or a noisy environment.

The Alessandro MS1 and the Re0 would be closer in sound signature rather than the Sr60.
I've not heard either but considering that people have compared the M2's treble and found it to be somewhat close to the RE0, I think that cans in that range would be better by a wide margin(especially in detail, soundstage, extension).
The sr60 offering better detail, soundstage and extension than the Re0, that is arguable my friend. Also when talking about which is better, the OP already knows he's comparing apples and oranges so comparing them technically on sound is just not right. Rather they should be compared on terms like comfort, usability, portability, isolation, ease to drive which an IEM offers Vs a fuller soundstage of a can, or maybe the question itself is wrong, so lets not. Again an IEM X would have a better soundstage than an HP Y, so let's not squabble over such things.

The OP needs to explain his usage before being offered an advice.

Source will be sansa clip+ and i don't know much about 'genre' of music but yeah quite AR Rahman,Strings and Indian ocean sort of music . I'll be using them most of time at home and 20% sort of in noisy environment. Now do this information help?

bennysachdev said:
You have to elaborate a little more to get a accurate response, like whats the source, what genre of music you listen to, will you be using it at home, office, or a noisy environment.

The Alessandro MS1 and the Re0 would be closer in sound signature rather than the Sr60.