Ssd in d house

Awesome pricing. Where did you source it from? Couple of members in the forum were looking for a good SSD and they got 7.5k'ish pricing.
Even i was amazed with the pricing coz online only smc is the one who is selling the cheapest stuff and he is selling it for 7.3k+ shipping

i accidently enquired about the price

he had around 8-9 pieces with him

and whne he told me the price i was like wtf

then i immediately checked if its the nova series and it was

then i again asked the price and asked him price for nove and he said that nova is even cheaper

\he did not have this in stock

i immediately purchased it

]saved around 600-700 bucks

lucky lucky
Congrats mate!

Where did you get it from? Golccha or aashirwad?pls say aashirwad or someother shop, If its golchha then I don't mind paying more than the mrp to some other shop rather than buying from that adament fool!
^^^^ that golcha guy has attitude like anythig and he is selling it for 7.5k

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i got it from anandit