Linux ssd query

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anybody running any distro on any ssd ? i bought a corsair force 80gb and tried to install ubuntu 11.10 latest build but unfortunatly os is not recognsing the ssd //

any help ? succesfully running a win 7 x64 with trim on it.

config : asus laptop , intel p6200, ahci enabled , hm55 chipset/

any other distro that runs successfully on a ssd ?
thanx brother.. i am trying to figure it out... btw anybody using fedora 15 . i am realy inquisitive which one would be better between fedora 15 and ubuntu 11.10/4 . any take on that ?
It might just be 11.10 is still in alpha and is not recognising the disk. Try a stable release like 11.04.

But you should read around the net for reviews etc of various releases like Fedora, Ubuntu, Mint etc, if you ask "which is better" then it

might just spark global thermonuclear warfare over here :)

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Oh, and BTW, I got my third SSD, a 256 GB Crucial RealSSD :P It's still in its box, have yet to set it up.
yes sir, the comparison is very unfair to ask. i agree. btw figured it out . it was a corrupt image , just that. :) .

tried fedora 15 live, dunno it will be fair or not but coming from a ubuntu guy fedora realy lacks the punch.. :D .

holy crap,,, 256 gigs ??? will u mind to throw me a link for how to optimise ubuntu/ ext4 for a ssd ?
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