Storage Solutions SSD showing error when trying to initialize

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Hi guys,

I have bought an Gigbyte 240GB SSD(used) but when I plug it in SATA port it is showing up in Disk Management. But status showing as Not Initialised.

Processor : i5 2500k
Mobo : MSI Z68A-G45 (G3)


Upon clicking OK, I am getting below error:


Tried with diskpart commands but still getting same issue.

Weird thing is, I bought an 1TB HDD from TE a week ago and I faced lo of issues when I try to copy anything into that disk. Can someone tell me whats wrong here? Is it OS issue or mobo issue?

I changed SATA cable, SATA power cables but still issue persists.
Make sure it is plugged into a sata3 port. Many modern sata3 drives have issues with old sata2 ports.

If that doesn't work, it is time to rma the drive.
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