Strange problem in HTML


Hey friends, <a id="#ABCD">.....</a> is not working in some parts.

But the strange problem is the same is working in some parts of web page.

The avobe problem is happening on Google Chrome, Opera, FF. But IE works fine :huh:

I've built an index in the top of page. And linked the index'es to the description given below. This portion doesn't work.

Whereas. I've built a "Back to Top" link after each paragraph. That works perfectly fine.

What could be the error??

If anyone want I can upload the portion of coding.
^^Couldn't get you.

It was <a name="#top"> and the other one(the link) was <a href="#top">

But in XHTML the name feild is replaced by the id.

BTW top link is working. I mean when I click "Back to Top" its working. But when from index I click the desired paragraph I want to go it's not working.

Anyway I think I must add the code to elaborate

Well.....Here's the link. Please look into it.


Sorry, I couldn't wrap it here in CODE tags because I'm exceeding char limit set by TE.

Notice that I've build an Index for pointing each paragraph in the first portion of code. And the respected paragraph's are connected with them.

Now the problem is whole portion of code is working in IE. And only the "Back to Top" links are working in Google Chrome, Opera, FF. What I mean is when I click the index-es I've built in 1st portion are not working but the Back to Top links are working in these browsers. But in IE everything is fine.

Please help me.
ok here is the fix...and it 'will' work...

just gonna explain for one here...

at top --> [*]Parliament
at the matter --> <a id="P" name="P"><H1 align="center">Parliament</H1></a>

do the same for all the links. at top add the target _self for simplicity and at the matter DO NOT use the # instead give it the id and name tags....

hope this helped.
Ok.....Thank you thetechmind and latino_ansari for the help. Give me some time to try them out. And after that I'll post here the results.

Yupeeeee.......!! It's working...!! Problem solved. Thanks a lot thetechmind....!!