Monitors Strange Problem with the Monitor !


Hi Guyz ,

I am Having a Very Strange problem with my Monitor ! You see I am Having this Large Peice of powerful Magnet ( abt 1 inch in length and Bredth ) and Today I was Just Playing with it, passing my Time ! What I Did was that I innocently placed it in front of my monitor which was Switched-on at that moment ! Then I saw some Rainbow Like colours devoleping in the screen ! At That timne it seemed Fun To me :ashamed: ..... I kept doing it for abt 2 Minutes and then switched-off the Monitor ! But Then afterwards when I again switched it on , to my surprise the screen had turned Pinkish frm the sides :( ! I Tried switching it back on and off but to no avail...... what should I Do Now ? What seems to be the Problem :( ?
I think wat u need to do is de-magnetise the monitor.....which monitor model is it??

And as far as my exp with TV's goes....keeping the thing switched off for a while usually takes care of the problem...
Well the Monitor is a Samsung ! And I Have already Tried switching it off for Half an Hour ! But still the screen is Pinkish from the Sides ! :(