Streaming FLV video


I want to stream FLV video [without using Youtube], but not getting how to do.

Say the video url is

what should be the HTML code to stream it ?

Thank you :)
For the jwplayer, it was on the very first page itself. Supported Player Embed Methods | LongTail Video | Home of the JW Player

This blog sums it up quite nicely using the jwplayer as frontend to load your flv file.

How To Put Flash Videos On Your Blog In Many Easy Steps | Live Granades

Download the FLV Player.

Put the flvplayer.swf file on your site. For example, mine lives at

Upload your FLV file to your site.

To embed the FLV file in an HTML page or blog post, add the following HTML:

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="[width]" height="[height+20]" wmode="transparent"


<param name="movie" value="/flv/flvplayer.swf?file=[movie]&autostart=false" />

<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />


/flv/flvplayer.swf is the relative URL to the flvplayer.swf file. [width] is the width of your FLV file (which I normally make to be 320) and [height+20] is the height of your FLV file plus 20 pixels. [movie] is where you uploaded your FLV file. &autostart=false means the visitor will have to click on the video before it plays — it’s optional, and may be left out if you want the video to play when the page is loaded.
^Thank you !

so what is relative URL ? like /video.flv

and for [movie], should it be

one more thing, is it possible to stream on ?
avi said:
^Thank you !

so what is relative URL ? like /video.flv

and for [movie], should it be

one more thing, is it possible to stream on ?

Yes it is possible, just use the original relative url since that should be accessible from that site as well.
streaming from other sites would not be supported i think. it should be from the same domain. this was done by adobe cause there were some hackers who took advantage of those flash ads to download virus into pc's. if the JW player software developers have maintained this in their player, then you wont be able to see flv videos from another domain in your player. if player and video reside in same domain it would play. ex: youtube where the player is embedded in video itself.

been long time since i touched flash, but you're welcome to correct me on above if i'm wrong.

Say you have the movie, "video.flv" in videos folder in root of your webserver. Html page in html folder.

Say video.flv = 640x480 (w x h)

Remember, flvplayer.swf needs to be uploaded to your website. Put it in same folder as videos.

In your html page you will add this:

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="500" wmode="transparent"


<param name="movie" value="/videos/flvplayer.swf?file=video.flv&autostart=false" />

<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />


wmode is window mode. making it transparent will show the background page color of the html page.

20 px addition to height might be for seekbar or skin.