Less than 10K Sturdy ICS phone

I am going to gift my sister a phone for this rakhi. There is already a thread on the same topic. My requirement is a bit different. I need a sturdy phone. The reason being my niece who is 1.5yrs old :)- she puts the phone in her mouth and throws it around so the phone's life will be quite limited :D So either need a cheapish phone or a sturdy one so that there is no requirment until next year (already gifted her a phone on her birthday last Dec).
1. Budget?
A: 5-10k It can be extended solely for a sturdier phone
2. Preferred Form Factor(flip, bar, slider)?
A: Bar
3. Preferred display type?
A: None but no resistive displays
4. Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them.
A: No indian brands
5. Preferred input method (Touchscreen, QWERTY, etc.)?
A: Touchscreen (not sure we have android based number input phones)
6. Camera required or not? If required, please specify type like front camera/flash/etc.
A: Front camera required so that I can spend sometime talking to my niece :)
7. Preferred operating system? (Android, Symbian, iOS, Windows Phone etc).
A: Demand was made for Android, JB at minimum
8. Preferred connectivity options? (3G, Wifi, Edge etc).
A: 3G.
9. What is your intended use for this phone(internet, camera, multimedia, mails, etc)?
A: Mails, internet and skype/viber
10. Any other requirements?
A: None
11. If you have already considered a phone then please mention the model.
A: None