Mac OS Successful Sierra Installation, However only safe mode boot working

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My configuration
1. Intel Core i7 860
2. DFI Lanparty P55-T3eh9
3. Intel 180 GB SSD
4. ATI HD7770 1GB

So I tried the following things and this is the result:
1. Boot from clover USB, select partition with sierra, the OS starts booting and after some time, the TV screen turns black. The TV reports it as "DVI1 1920x1080p" input. Restart Required.
2. Boot from clover USB, select safe boot option, select booting partition as sierra, the OS boots to desktop. The display is overscanned and I have to adjust the mapping from the display option in settings. IOreg | grep ATY reports it is using RadeonFramebuffer. System info displays Graphics chipset as ATI 7XXX with 1024 MB RAM. Device ID ix 0x683D which seems to be correct.
3.Boot from clover USB. In options select ACPI patching>DSDT fixes>FIX Display check, ADD HDMI check. Graphics Injector> Inject ATI=true, fake ID=0x683D1002, Frame buffer = Dashimaki, no. ports = 3. LOAD Virtual bios = true. Then I boot from Sierra partition. OS starts to boot. After some time, my TV screen goes black. TV reprots the resolution as "HDMI1 1920x1080P". Restart required.
4. Boot from clover USB. Select Safe boot option. In options select ACPI patching>DSDT fixes>FIX Display =true, ADD HDMI =true. Graphics Injector> Inject ATI=true, fake ID=0x683D1002, Frame buffer = Dashimaki, no. ports = 3. LOAD Virtual bios = true. Then I boot from Sierra partition. OS boots to desktop. Oreg | grep ATY reports it is using Dashimaki. System info displays Graphics chipset as ATI 7700 with 1024 MB RAM. Device ID ix 0x683D which seems to be correct. No adjustment to display is needed.

I have attached the screen shots for the same. I am really hoping someone can guide me to booting to a full working desktop so I can open clover configurator and install other drivers.
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Got to Sierra desktop!!. Here is what I did.
1. Googled for a config.plist for AMD GCN cards for desktop.
2. Replaced the default config.plist with the new config.plist in my EFI folder.
3. Downloaded Verde.kext from one of the threads on
4. copied that to USB>EFI>CLOVER>kexts>Others
5. Booted from Clover USB to Sierra partition with only -v arguments and I was booted to a normal desktop.
From there things are easy. Just install multibeast and install clover bootloader on to the partition of Mac OS so that the USB is no longer needed. I have got internet working. Now i just have to get the sound working via HDMI.

PS: I am not sure what worked, did verde.kext work or the config.plist worked. If anybody can throw some light, then please do.
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Got to Sierra desktop!!. Here is what I did.
1. Googled for a config.plist for AMD GCN cards for desktop.
2. Replaced the default config.plist with the new config.plist in my EFI folder.
3. Downloaded Verde.kext from one of the threads on
4. copied that to USB>EFI>CLOVER>kexts>Others
5. Booted from Clover USB to Sierra partition with only -v arguments and I was booted to a normal desktop.
From there things are easy. Just install multibeast and install clover bootloader on to the partition of Mac OS so that the USB is no longer needed. I have got internet working. Now i just have to get the sound working via HDMI.

PS: I am not sure what worked, did verde.kext work or the config.plist worked. If anybody can throw some light, then please do.
In such cases you need to install with onboard graphics and then add the card later. This splits it into two sections - Getting mobo to work and Graphics card. Much easier to deal with .

Its mostly the config.plist that worked and Verde helped too as it helps with the black screen issue. Difficult to say which was causing an issue in which case. Config.plist helps with processor/mobo and other sundry config compatibility. Verde helps with the black screen issue.

Once you boot into mac, you need to install the kexts and clover via Multibeast or install them individually without multibeast. And then fix clover plist via clover configurator with the settings recommended for your config or the short cut as in your case with config.plist. These are normal steps. If your install fails to reach desktop then you need to find boot tags that make it work or try the safe mode.
@Party Monger My Mobo does not have an onboard graphics (P55 chipset sadly). Anyway i can now boot to a normal desktop. I installed majority of the drivers with multibeast and a vietnam hackintosh tool which i used to install the network drivers. I got onboard sound working with VoodoHDA, but voodoHDA does not detect my graphics card for HDMI audio. I found the solution to be mounting the EFI partition of Sierra install hard disk, and then running the clover_HDMIaudio.command. But Clover configurator does not detect my EFI partition at all! EFI mounter V3 which is supposed to work as an alternative crashes while launching. Any idea?
@Party Monger My Mobo does not have an onboard graphics (P55 chipset sadly). Anyway i can now boot to a normal desktop. I installed majority of the drivers with multibeast and a vietnam hackintosh tool which i used to install the network drivers. I got onboard sound working with VoodoHDA, but voodoHDA does not detect my graphics card for HDMI audio. I found the solution to be mounting the EFI partition of Sierra install hard disk, and then running the clover_HDMIaudio.command. But Clover configurator does not detect my EFI partition at all! EFI mounter V3 which is supposed to work as an alternative crashes while launching. Any idea?
If you have another harddrive, then take current harddrive out and do a clean install on that. These might be issues lingering from trial and error you did.

VoodoHDA is not native, see if you can find kext for Graphics card that supports HDMI audio. Search with Your graphics card name with Seirra hackintosh should lead you to some major threads about them. I think you would have had a more stable install with el capitan since more people have tried it and its been around longer.
So I found the exact config required for the graphics card (sapphire HD7770). Saphhire HD7770 is supported out of the box by Mac OSX sierra 10.12. However, it is driven by the generic Radeonframebuffer and appears as a radeon 7xxx card in system information. All is good except that the resolution is not crisp and I had to scale the display every time I booted to the desktop.

However, if I add the following enteries under graphcis in EFI>Clover>config.plist, then the card is detected exactly as HD7770 and resolution is very crisp. the scaling is also perfect

Under graphics
Load vbios = true
Frame buffer = Dashimaki
number of ports = 3
Inject ATI = true

Now i need to get the audio working through HDMI.
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