PC Peripherals Suggest a good wireless keyboard to go with Logitech G304 Mouse and another wireless K/B+Mouse for around 2k

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As the title says, I'm looking to purchase a wireless mouse to go along with Logitech G304 I've ordered yesterday.

Budget: The less the better :)
Usage: General Purpose, don't really game, so don't need a gaming performance keyboard. I know that G304 is a gaming mouse but I couldn't find anything better. If you know one, please suggest one.

Currently, I'm looking at the below ones which might be just too bad idk:
Cosmic Byte Sirius CB-GK-14
Logitech K380 (although it's a small keyboard)

Earlier I was looking to purchase Logitech MX Keys and Logitech MX Master 3 but MX Keys is atrociously priced in INDIA, $99 but 11k here :(
If you can point to a cheaper source for MX keys, I'll still take this combo.

For wireless K/B+Mouse for around 2k, I'm looking at
Logitech MK345
Dell KM636 (I like this one more because the Mouse is bigger than the one with MK345 I think)

Please suggest.
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