Graphic Cards Suggest a graphics card.. and where to buy from...

Joel Toms

one week ago i had suggested a configuration for my friend.
i suggested a 450 w PSU from CM or corsair.. and any dell monitor with 1440x900 resolution...but while he was away from home his dad went and took the comp for him...:(
now he is stuck with a dell s1909w with only 1366x768 resolution..
the dealer also fitted him with an I-Ball LPE223-400 cheapo power supply.. its rated 400w..:S
he says that it can supply max for 450w and wont give any replacement now..:mad:
he doesnt want to run around anymore.. so he has asked me to get a GFX card for him...
I prefer any dealer from TE itself... dealers in kerala are quoting 10k for even a 9800 gt
His comp a C2D E5400.. 2gb 800mhz ... gigabyte g31-s2l...
he wants to play Crysis at atleast gamer settings..
With the crap 1366x768 res.. which card will be good and reasonably safe with that power supply..:( any suggestion on the dealers are welcome...
if you can post the prices... it will be very helpful
will it be able to handle crysis in gamer settings at that resolution...
or should i go for a 4770...
my friend said he is ready to take the risk that the PSU may fry the GFX card..
The question is whether the 4770 can be powered at all....
BTW budget 7.5k max..
What abt some suggestions from the green camp???
I hate the ATi drivers....
how much will be the 9800GTX or gts 250???
Will the PSU handle it..????
I doubt that this PSU has any PCIex16 power cord at all... is it safe to use the molex to PCIe adapter???
get Palit 9600GT + CM 460W, it will handle Crysis well at that setting, and do overclock cpu to get maximum from it..

4770/9600GT would be risky on iBall 400W..:)
No way.Most probably that i-ball SMPS is just 250W.Have a look at i-ball site,it says they are 250W only.iBall ? Your eyeball view. Our technology new. .So it will not be able to handle even HD 4670.Your friend will have to get new power supply.Get PowerSafe 500W,it will cost about 2k and it is best in that budget.For the rest 5.5k get Palit 9600gt and enjoy Crysis at - Crysis Tweak Guide .Also read this usefull stuff.All Crysis settings are nicely expained here.This will help you in configuring
Crysis for best qualilty and performance.
Can an iBall 650watt handle a 9600GT. I have that Power supply and am thinking of getting that card. Sorry to jump in like that but didn't want to start a new thread for this.

Please check this chart and please give me some suggestions based on these..
I all looks totally greek and latin to me...
I want to know if the I-Ball one will be able to power, at max a gts 250... or suggest up till which card can it power???
My friend said that he is willing to risk the chance of damage from the power supply. He just wants to know till what card can the SMPS power.. Just give me suggestions based on the ratings..
If possible go 4 corsair vx450 and palit 9800gt, i thnk u can get d crd 4 bout 7.7k or less frm itwares but dont run even hd4670 on dat cheapo psu cause if ur unlucky doing so may fry ur psu as wel as ur other components.
+1 to what others said. get a 9600GT. should be available locally as well, but at a premium.

chances are , if you buy a card from TE, you might have to run around even more. You might want to do it for yourself, but if you are doing it for a friend , who may not understand how buying stuff from online and RMA etc work, you might end up losing your friendship over it.

god knows I've tried. Especially the ones who arent too bright are the ones who keep whining about how you took their money and havent given them a card while the card is stuck between RMA's.Do you really want to ?

And avoid palit like the plague
Considering the fact HD 4770 requires less power it may run but we cannot recommned you to run such an awesome card with crap PSU.Dude better get new PSU(atleast Cooler Master 460W)+Geforce 9600GT/HD 4670/HD4770 card.Why your friend is not intrested in new PSU?
My friend had been running around for more than a week to find a good dealer...
In kerala dealerships are few and they are total crap too.
All dealers that he went to told him that they wont give any other psu other than the one that came with the cab...
This dealer was the only guy who told that he will give a 450w PSu..
and coz his dad went to take the comp the dealer gave this crap psu and an lg monitor..
He had to go back home from mangalore(where he is studying) to kerala to haggle with the dealer and get a dell monitor..
now he is pissed and says he wont talk to that guy anymore..
thats why..
Listen very carefully buddy, YOUR FRIEND HAS TO BUY A NEW PSU!!

You might be thinking "Oh Well, the cards new and even if it gets fried , hell with it i will get it RMA'd".

But things aren't as simple.First of all it is very much likely that the PC starts to restart while playing games due to lack of power.It happened to me on an Intex 400W with an 8600 gt even.

Secondly, if the card gets fried the hassles of getting an RMA especially in a place like yours would be too much.

Buy a PSU, a minimum VIP 500W and then fit in a GPU.

If you still want to take a "risk" , you have be forewarned.
Most people here have suggested on a new PSU and I second that. I highly suggest you do not power a HD4770 or whatever with a I-ball PSU. With my current 8800GT, I had fried 2-3 PSU's (400w-450w models)of Frontier and some other crap make...the first PSU lasted me 2 months, the next one like a week or so...and the last one didn't even really I was glad my 8800GT did not fry in the process...then I went and got a CM 550W Real Power Pro and my card has been running rock solid since then...

So basically the I-ball PSU might work or might might fry your friend's card or the PSU might die on him at a later date. Kindly reason with your friend and tell him of the dangers and subsequent loss he would be incurring because he chose to skimp on a good PSU. CM Extreme Power Plus 500W (though I would recommend the Real Pro series) costs 3k and 9600GT would cost 5.6k on - Buy Tech Online Now!!!. I know this is above your friend's budget but the 9600gt can be replaced with a 4650. You can probably find lower prices in the dealer's paradise forum or look for second hand deals in the market forums or shop around locally.