CPU/Mobo suggest board for AM2


getting a 3600 brisbane nxt week..
want a board wid decent ocing options under 3.5k.
any thing other dan jetway available in mumbai?
pls suggest.
Search if Gigabye 690G S3 is available (not the S2), SMC Delhi told me it'll take 2 weeks to reach here but you can give it a shot.

Else the Asus M2N-MX, but I'd suggest the Jetway over that...
The 690V available in India is the Gigabye S2 and it doesnt have any OC'in options, so if you want a non OC board, go for it, although remember it has no DVI (690V dont have HDMI/DVI)
SharekhaN said:
dont for for the M2N-MX , the Jetway option is better than that any day .

Well M2N-MX isn't that bad a choice, I'm using it with Brisbane 1.9 oced to 2.5ghz ... though sound and graphics on jetway are better ... as far as ass is concerned Rashi does both ... if you could find the Biostar that would be a better choice over these :)
listen guys...
onboard gfx does not concern me much..
as i m goin for an add on gfx card probably a 7900gt/gtx
so all i want is a board wid good ocing options.
i know dat jetway 690G is d board to go but little hesitent as i have never seen d board in action n none of my frinds have it.
so lookin for alternatives.
U can buy the Biostar TA690G from Abacus Mumbai for around 4850/-.

Awesome board !!

Also.. I m selling my brand new Jetway board.. let me know if u need it :)
Deepak said:
^^ Its not in the Market section yet :bleh:

Cause i m waiting for a friend to reply if he's gonna use the board to build his new rig !!
If he decides to go C2D .. u will soon see the board in Market !! :)
Patience my friend !! ;)