Suggest DVD brand


It has been almost 10+ years I last burnt a cd or dvd.

I need to burn some memories on optic media.
But as for current trend, unable to decide on a good brand for buirning the data.

A friend suggested Moserbaer pro but I want more suggestions to choose from.

Do let me know a good brand for DVD-Dual Layers DVDs. I need set of 10 initially.
Used to buy Sony dual layer DVD's and it was good but was never sure if it was original or duplicate. Just after reading your post tried to play some DVD's which was kept idle for 5+ years. Seven played well out of 10. All were Sony DVD's.
Hm. Sony in older days wont play on all optic drives esp. liteon, samsung though it was occasionally.
I used to have local dvds/cds and then it was princo which ruled the market for few years until moserbaer came and killed many.
I still got princo dvds working good even after 10 years.
I bought HP dvds too just 2 and dont know if they are still alive or dead on data.
I have written 100+ dvd's about 10+ years back on Moserbaer, Verbatim, Sony and TY discs. In order of disc condition TY > Verbatim > Sony > MoserBaer.
I use MoserBaer. Only Sony and MoserBaer are available in shops nowadays. I still use CDs and DVDs.. even rewriteable ones, to write optical discs for various use, including backup. I keep them nicely in a DVD folder. Old optical discs continue to work.