Storage Solutions Suggest good HDD Dock

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So it seems my old Vantec dock has started misbehaving. Going to need a new one.

What models are available in the market? Can get from US/India, both USB and eSATA preferred, but USB alone will also do.
stalker said:
Vantec :P

I have a NST-D100. Been running just fine for the past 1.5 years.
Ya well, mine's started giving trouble after 2 years. Acts all temperamental, HDDs dont get recognized, or disappear after 2 min once transfer is going on :(, the front push button gets stuck/acts funny..... I am 90% sure its the dock and not the HDDs.

BTW, the front push button on the vantec is simply bad engineering, especially once it starts getting stuck. The dual dock (see below) has a proper on-off switch from all dealextreme photos I saw.

Thinking of getting the dual dock that mediahome is selling (around 1.7k, has eSATA too). Anyone bought this one? Any reviews? Its also on dealextreme for almost same price.

All-in-1 Dual HDD Docking Station with One Touch Backup
Gaurish said:
You can try Importing this one:

* Masscool DS-UES001 MASSCOOL DS-UES001 USB2.0 + eSATA to 2.5"/3.5" SATA HDD Docking Station with one touch backup function from

It comes with eSATA, so transfer speeds are very fast! I have the same thing. It works nicely, thought its lying idle from past 3months:P

Already ordered the one from mediahome.

BTW, the mediahome one is the exact same design/port placement as the Masscool AND the dealextreme ones, except for the single/dual HDD support :) I am guessing its probably the same OEM that makes all of these, or the design is really really well known :)
Finally your dock has as well given up or so it appears. :(

gmano reported a similar issue before (over-heating as well!) and so did some others. There seems to be some problem with the docks or at least the Vantec one.
@bennysachdev: The vantec front button is a pain buddy, keeps getting stuck, though I am happy it lasted 2 years at least.

@nehaladsul: I have 4 internal HDDs lying around solely for backup purposes. Casing would be too much of a pain. :(
yup.... mostly same oems.... only the chip versions are different so the performance may differ and also the durability...
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