Suggest UPS that can handle 800-900w load


i7-13700K + 3080Ti with MSI MEG Ai1300P PSU (1300W)

Take a look at this APC BVX2200LI-IN, 1200w rated for 12.2k
Take a look at this APC Back-UPS BR1500G-IN UPS rated 865w for 14k

Suggest any other options within the budget of 10-15k.

My previous UPS had an issue. I've ordered some fuses/parts for it, but I don't know how long it will take or even if it will be repaired.

So I'm looking for a temporary (maybe permanent, God knows) solution. Any help is appreciated.
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For a permanent solution, buy an inverter and run it in UPS mode. Yes, some inverters support UPS mode. But you'll have to deal with the invisible acid fumes from the battery.

Also, I used to use APC UPS during the mid/late 2000's and they used to run fine. But these days, consumer grade UPS are shit. So unless you wanna go with enterprise grade UPS, stay away from APC as they're just charging more for brand name.