PC Peripherals Suggestions for a cheap open air case/test bench


Hi Everyone,

I need an open air cabinet/test bench/rig for my test bench which currently consists of a plastic tray and a cardboard right now. I did look up some dedicated test bench cases and they are way overpriced to be a feasible solution. Can someone suggest a budget solution to this problem?? I did stumble upon some mining rigs but none of them are small and the price is still north of 4-5k for a 6GPU rig. Would really appreciate any help in this regard...

Have you considered stripping down an atx case? Rivets are easy enough to remove by drilling them out. Most glass side panel cases have tops and bottoms that are riveted — so you could remove the side panel, top and front.

An alternative might be the Thermaltake View cases, they give a wider access to the cpu socket area:

Screen Shot 2023-12-31 at 5.32.37 PM.png

Yet another alternative would be to buy one of those test benches from Taobao through Pandabuy.
You can contact someone like piplus or others who deal in mining equipment and ask them if they have something.

You can consider 3d printing (though I dont know the cost really). There are many test bench designs available online. If not the entire bench, you can print just standoffs like these.

You can also check mobo layout prints and get holes drilled on a nice wooden slab, acrylic or even metal. Heck you could just take an old mobo and mark the holes with it.

Or as the guy above said you could get an old case deconstructed.
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