Sunny pays Singapore IT fair a visit


Branch Manager
Staff member

It all started with today morning.

SunnyBoi said:
Installed 7057 on my laptop. you know what i think about it? EPIC FAIL. bloody thing runs slower than vista on my system. took me 30 mins, i'm not kidding, to install firefox and the damm thing wont open. control panel took 10 mins and still has some shitty loading bar going on.

there are a million things in this windows which makes me hate it even more. got sooo pissed off i banged my lappy again with my fists after a looooong time. BAH. once i come back from office win7 is going down the toilet

Banged fists on the palmrests, which was incidentally over the HDD, that too when the lappy was on :ashamed:

SunnyBoi said:
damn my lappy hdd is making reALLY weird noises. I can safely say win7 killed my lappy hard drive :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:


So I decided I need a new hard drive. Incidentally there was an IT fair going on in Suntec City, the first one this year. Hmmm perfect timing? bah. anyways went there this evening and got these! :D

Its F#&*#&ng Fast!!!! 250GB a platter and 2 platters wonlee :p Good thing I chose this over my fav the WD Scorpio Black 7200rpm :p the extra gigs will help :lol: Cost me 148$, ~5K INR. Didnt research abt the price or whatever, was just desperate for this drive.

Got a SDHC card reader too :p coupled with my spare card aka Extreme3 30MBps, makes one hell of a fast pendrive :p

Bad thing is that fair is gonna continue tomorrow and I saw the DNS-323 there today and my hands are itching to go and buy that as well :cry::cry: HAAAALP!
congrats sunnyB on your purchase man...Dont go on a splurge man....If not try installing win 7 on your lappy(I guess u would have completed by now).Try sending some gift back to your parents.They would love it...No to electronic goodies.Some phone call to them might do well.

Already you are Bankrupt....why this NAS baby on your head.But what not, spend on it & share your woes here
yeah tehre were coupla girls on micro skirts carrying a board that said press my button and turn me on :lol:
eh :p and spend much more? no thanks :p

this laptop is an awesome build quality, no way anything worse gonna happen :p hit it before many times, right on they keyb, still all keys work :p