Linux Suse 9.3 Professional [Beta]

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Novell's Cool Solution site has published a review of a current beta of SUSE LINUX 9.3, due for release next month: "All the buzz about the release of SUSE 9.3 Professional got me excited. This very morning, I downloaded and installed SUSE LINUX 9.3 Professional beta 4. The installation is similar to 9.2 though the screens seem crisper. It has definitely had some work, as it will do an md5sum check on the installation media to make sure it's not been corrupted. Also, when Grub was installed, it recognized the other bootable partitions. It put these partitions into the Grub menu automatically. It did not do this in previous versions. That's all I'm going to mention about the installation. Instead, let's take a look at some of the changes you'll in the newest version of SUSE when you are actually using it."

SUSE LINUX Professional 9.3 is due out in mid-April, 2005

Wow...all the time I was waiting for SuSE 9.2 on Digit DVD.
and 9.3 came out :P Now gotta request 9.3. :)
9.3 probably will not be out for download immediately after release so stick with begging for 9.2
It is good that SuSE is finally allowing free distribution of the OS - it will let it finally overtake Redhat.
I for one always prefered Suse over Redhat as a desktop os...I have had 3 versions of Suse and never felt like lookin for more.....yep..m waiting for the current release..
Btw,is the Suse Pro 9.2 v already available on Digit DVDs...or for tht matter any other Magazine...I somehow missed the pro version of 9.1 and had to make do wid the Personal version... :@
I would like to know why you kingkrool and cayootee feel suse is better than redhat/fedora? Please explain it to me and list out the advantages of Suse over redhat that you find. ;)

Kindly note Redhat enterprise is still the best choice for Servers and directly compete with Windows 2003 server as is Fedora for Windows XP home desktop!

I not say Suse is bad neither i say it is better than Fedora nor Fedora is better than Suse. :hap5:

Famous Quote:
There is no one distribution that will perfectly fit into everyones needs. Each one has its own strengths and weaknesses which will vary from person to person.

We are missing Mr.Shadow the netbsd,slackware lover :tongue:
Well, from what I have seen of SuSE(long time ago) and heard of late, the hardware support is a bit better - witness the fact that neither FC3 nor Centos 3.4 installed properly on my comp. I had to fool arnd with xfree86.conf/xorg.conf . Most people can't do that.
Also - tho this is not fair really - Redhat supports Gnome as the default, while in SuSE KDE is the default. While I know many Free Software Gurus have a problem with KDE bcos of the fact that it allows commercial licenses as well, I don't (even from a philosophical point of view). And KDE rocks!!!! It looks better than Gnome or Windows anyday!!!!

While ur quote is valid, I believe that the only way Linux is going to be able to overtake windows is if they are a bit more aggressive on the home/office market. Linux is a bit more efficient than Windows in memory usage, so I believe that 3d games can theoretically at least perform better on linux. If they concentrate on getting such support then I can see the world of gamers shifting away form windows. Similarly homw users will be quite happy with an OS that lets em install programs a bit more easily. I know that RPMs exist, but frankly if u install RPMs half the time u don't know where the damn thing has installed the program, so u can't use it.
This is a linux vs windows for home/SOHO discussion, but what I mean is that while SuSE does not do stuff like this any better than Redhat does, I feel that it is somewhat better equipped to take over the home market than Fedora due to its greater ease of use/better looks.
Eg. while Wifi support on RH has only just come in on RHEL4 (previous versions of RH and FC are not so good I believe) SuSE has supported it to a better extent for some time now.
Hey Nix..this is nothing against Redhat/FEdora as every distro has its strong points and weaknesses...what i wanted to say was tht Suse is still a better option if u wanna use it on a standalone pc for home use as it has better hardware support,as KingKrool said and it configures almost all ur h/w without a glitch... i remember when i first used RH9 on my rig,i had to face lotsof problems trying to configure the soundcard as at tht time the ad1985 chip was not supported and i had to install the alsa drivers which was way too buggy and was almost an on/off system.....sometimes the sound wud work..sometime it wudnt.... then i had trouble configuring my Geforce at tht time the card was fairly new and was not supported...
Next was the xmms player which on RH hadd licensing issues playing those mp3 files...

See..these r minor issues tht can be sorted out easily but think about the numerous users who dont kno jack about configuring a sndcard or getting mp3 plugin for a linux distro....they will always find it a bit more difficult to migrate from a user friendly windows system to a nix system..... And this is whr Suse steps in....although i agree tht it still is not as user friendly as a windows sytem, but configuring hardware on it is still a breeze and many newcomers will feel at home migrating from windows to Suse...
Softwares prebundled wid the os need no configuration whatsoever...everything works from scratch...
Pls note tht here we r talkin of the desktop i always prefer RHEnterprise for servers...... :)
KingKrool said:
Well, from what I have seen of SuSE(long time ago) and heard of late, the hardware support is a bit better - witness the fact that neither FC3 nor Centos 3.4 installed properly on my comp. I had to fool arnd with xfree86.conf/xorg.conf . Most people can't do that.

Good point there but there is solution for that init3 and then startx. Just like Windows 98 from DOS to Win. that is not difficult. I hd the same prolem that you had in Fedora but i use the init 3 more than init 5 so doesn't really matter and the problem aint there when i installed RHEL4 so probably it will be fixed in FC4. And there are problems reported for Suse 9.2 freezing also after some hardware like USB keys, HDD detection. You can search for that.

Also - tho this is not fair really - Redhat supports Gnome as the default, while in SuSE KDE is the default. While I know many Free Software Gurus have a problem with KDE bcos of the fact that it allows commercial licenses as well, I don't (even from a philosophical point of view). And KDE rocks!!!! It looks better than Gnome or Windows anyday!!!!

Not good point. You can install KDE packages and just use command switchdesk kde and voila you boot into KDE desktop and from there you can just go on eyecandy yor desktop by downloading k3wl stuff from That isn't difficult either.

While ur quote is valid, I believe that the only way Linux is going to be able to overtake windows is if they are a bit more aggressive on the home/office market. Linux is a bit more efficient than Windows in memory usage, so I believe that 3d games can theoretically at least perform better on linux. If they concentrate on getting such support then I can see the world of gamers shifting away form windows.

ya I definitely agree there with ya :P but it has slowly started as some famous games do run on Linux as well as using WINE
Thats good news, I have heard a lot about this distro, though I haven't tried it out, I am sort of through with RPM based distros ...
CaaYoTee said:
Hey Nix..this is nothing against Redhat/FEdora as every distro has its strong points and weaknesses...what i wanted to say was tht Suse is still a better option if u wanna use it on a standalone pc for home use as it has better hardware support,as KingKrool said and it configures almost all ur h/w without a glitch... i remember when i first used RH9 on my rig,i had to face lotsof problems trying to configure the soundcard as at tht time the ad1985 chip was not supported and i had to install the alsa drivers which was way too buggy and was almost an on/off system.....sometimes the sound wud work..sometime it wudnt.... then i had trouble configuring my Geforce at tht time the card was fairly new and was not supported...
Next was the xmms player which on RH hadd licensing issues playing those mp3 files...

hi cayootee have u tried Fedora even once ? Fedora has a good FAQ on its website on some basic and other useful tips on mp3 blah blah and howto apt-get or yum. Is that difficult to find now and use yum? The more you get exposed to some very important commands the better it is. Don't u think that u actually get familiar with some useful commands when u as a newbie to linux search for such plugins like mp3, NTFS support and mounting and then installing and configuring other such missing and necesary goodies for any desktop user.

At the end ever1 has his/her own choice and I respect your choice for Suse :)
As I said, Gnome is the default - not the only option, but the default option on Redhat.
All I meant was if u take ur average joe he won't know this stuff. Nor shud there be any need for him to do so. That is the one problem I see with the linux community.
MS always assumes that its clientelle is not going to be very tech savvy - which is true for 95% of the people in the world - they spend 2500$ on the latest comp+mp3 player + bband connection. Now they shud be able to enjoy it without having to recompile, add modules etc. So linux really has to become more user - NEW USER - friendly. That is why I think SuSE shud do good - they seem to be more interested in producing a user friendly product.
KingKrool said:
As I said, Gnome is the default - not the only option, but the default option on Redhat.
All I meant was if u take ur average joe he won't know this stuff. Nor shud there be any need for him to do so. That is the one problem I see with the linux community.

can't u change that to KDE @ the graphical login manager itself when u boot to init 5. it's so easy no commands required.

Don't u add additional utilites and decorative softwares like StyleXP etc. in Windows. So just goto kde-look or kde-app in Fedora Linux and thats it.
KingKrool said:
All I meant was if u take ur average joe he won't know this stuff. Nor shud there be any need for him to do so. That is the one problem I see with the linux community.
MS always assumes that its clientelle is not going to be very tech savvy - which is true for 95% of the people in the world

uhmm do not agree there. In majority cases When a newbie buys a computer Microsoft Windows is always preinstalled by the vendor and if u get an assembled PC you know it comes with lots of 3rd party softwares, games, songs etc by the generous vendor ;).
So the newbie get his/her new Microsoft Windows PC fully loaded with necessary tools. He/she doesn't have to search the net for music players codecs, cd burners etc. .He starts using Windows and 3rd party applications without any knowledge how it was installed or where to get it. They are very curious about the OS and start investigating the programs from start button then slowly the registry and that's how they learn to use Windows.

Then one fine day the shit Microfot OS crashes and they have to reinstall. The newbie panics bcoz he/she doesn't know what to do or how to install windows. They call up their more geek friend or most probably the vendor and the vendor sends an engineer to reinstall windows and that's when the newbie see's how the windows installation is done like a live practical.

what if Linux came preinstalled on new machines with all the necessary goodies. Wudn't that be easy too like windows. Bcoz many average joes don't understand the many linux installation tutorials available on the net so they need live demo.
I stand by what I say.
My pop has used computers for years now. Right back from 8086 days, and in fact even those ancient punch card thingies.
And he doesn't know how to reinstal windows. Why the hell shud he? Computers are supposed to solve problems, not create them.
So the newbie get his/her new Microsoft Windows PC fully loaded with necessary tools. He/she doesn't have to search the net for music players codecs, cd burners etc. .He starts using Windows and 3rd party applications without any knowledge how it was installed or where to get it. They are very curious about the OS and start investigating the programs from start button then slowly the registry and that's how they learn to use Windows.

Hey buddy...even if a newbie gets a fully loaded pc,there r times when he has to install new softwares,games etc...and tht on windows is a child's play...even a first timer can do it just by reading the instructions...keep ckicking and thr u r ..the ware installed...!! Tht functionality though a bit boring for techies is a boon for aunties,uncles & kids alike....tht functionality is still missing in the linux distros (for good or bad..take ur pick!!) ....but once tht is done and a lot of softwares and games r supported by Linux ,only then can Linux hope to capture a sizeable part of the newbie/home user market... :)

have u tried Fedora even once ? Fedora has a good FAQ on its website on some basic and other useful tips on mp3 blah blah and howto apt-get or yum. Is that difficult to find now and use yum? The more you get exposed to some very important commands the better it is. Don't u think that u actually get familiar with some useful commands when u as a newbie to linux search for such plugins like mp3, NTFS support and mounting and then installing and configuring other such missing and necesary goodies for any desktop user.

Bro u got me wrong..wot i said was tht i had troubles but i sorted 'em out wid later downloads.....tht was bcos at tht time (1 yr back) i had some idea of the basic commands required to install the softwares...the plugins were a bit buggy(like the alsa drivers),but they worked...u see, v r engg. students,we get some exposure to such things in college(not all though..!!) so tht was think of a newbie in this scenario...will he have the idea to go around the net looking for alsa drivers or yum or the gfx drivers for his agp card...instead he'll revert back to windows...unfortunate but true..this is what happens in majority of the cases.. we have to agree here tht Windows has become a second nature for the ppl...they easily feel at home ... If linux has to reach whr Windows is'll hav to penetrate deeper and become moe user friendly for normal ppl to accept it and throw windows in the dustbin....!!

U see this is a very big reason why linux comes prebundled wid all the necessary software as the Os installer does all the hard work here.... ppl dont have to take the pains of installing the stuff themselves as it is not easy for install, the OS is ready for use wid all the it players,burners,office docs, games,image editors etc...u name it...they hav it...!! :)
i say so bcoz i find many stupid people shouting around the internet that linux installation is difficult than windows damn I wonder they even know how to install windows....

ya good discussions here i got what i want thanks ;)

If you ever tried installing Firefox in linux just next next next like in windows i like it ;) and btw the hardware manufacture has to release the drivers and make things easy for people.
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How come Thread about SuSe Linux makes way into Open & Free software section, the last i checked, you "actually gotta pay" for the package ?
It still is free software to some extent. Payment has nothing to do with free software.
But yes, they did add commercial packs, but now even those are given free (0 dollars)
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