CPU/Mobo System Shutdown.


My system suddenly does a System Shutdown.
This system is shutting down dialog box appears.

Please save all work in progress and log off.
Any unsaved changes will be lost.
This shutdown was initiatied by NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
Time before shutdown : 00:01:00

can i noe wads the solution to this problem . it is driving me crazy ! IT SHUT DOWN AS AND WHEN IT LIKE AND II SERIOUSLY CANT DO ANI SHIT !

PLS PLS PLS DO HELP ME !> do ii have to download something or wad to stop it ?!

and my com hangs sometime , i cant do anithing to it , ii cant even shut down my com, i restart it by pressing the restart button !. sometime after several restarts , it finally become normal ,. no system shutdown and everything bt after i shut down and on the com the next day , the same whole process starts agn . this is making my life miserablee =( HELP !
your system is under attack by Blaster Worm !

download this its the official Symantec W32.Blaster removal tool . First you need to go to safe mode of your OS and run the app. from there
to see its official page , click on this . Please dont forget to disable System Restore feature if u have windows XP

after this , download SpyDoctor , SpyBot S&D

EDIT: after scanning your system with anti virus and with the above apps, download this Security Update as soon as possible
ur machine has blaster. reinstall windows and make sure you are patched to service pack 2 before you get onto that network again. Actually you don't need to reinstall windows if you can install service pack 2 before your machine shuts down but that is quite unlikely.
try to do what chaos suggested. i. e. install sp2. if in case you get the message for shutdown type "shutdown -a" at the command prompt or WinKEY+R and the shutdown will be aborted.
Chaos said:
ur machine has blaster. reinstall windows and make sure you are patched to service pack 2 before you get onto that network again. Actually you don't need to reinstall windows if you can install service pack 2 before your machine shuts down but that is quite unlikely.

i think its possible, when that 1 min warning comes just go to start > run > shutdown -a. this will abort the shutdown and u can install sp2.

alternatiely, if this dosent work, u acn try the blaster removal tool ( download from symantec) and go to safe mode and run the program, it will run, and remove the virus, then boot normally but remember not to have any network/internet connection enabled, and install SP2