PC Peripherals Tagan v Corsair !!..which is better?

Hello guys...

I was looking for a new PSU that satisfies the needs of mah rig..

Till now i was sure to get the OCZ GSX 700 from Newegg...

but now when i got to know that the Corsair hx 620 and Tagan TG700 BZ are available locally at pretty decent price...

m kinda confused....

There aint a very large diff in the pricing..

The OCZ GSX wud cost me ard 160-170 $$ with all the taxes , so that is 6500 INR...

The Corsair Hx620 is priced around 6.8-7kz INR...( with 5 years bang burn nething 1-1 swap warranty)

The Tagan TG700-U88 BZ is priced at 7.5 with all the taxes and shipping ( with warranty )

So...just want to ask -

* is it worth paying that extra $$ for Tagan??

Also...i dont think i wud be going for the OCZ now...considering that i can get sumthing equally good ( may be better ) locally...


oh..the rig -->

C2D 6600

P5B Dlx

MSI 8800 gt 512 Oc'ed

3 HDDs

Chasis --> cm 690 ( that means a lotta fans )

may be a fancy light :p

please let know asap...

thanx in advance :)
Even am attracted to Tagan 700BZ and so was thinking of buying a Tagan and now its for 7k.

But having words with RIO and doing some more research on the net have come to the conclusion that Corsair is the winner, but still my heart is on the TAgan.

Tagan also providing the Same warranty period and conditions as Corsair.

Now performance wise Tagan's this particular BZ series looks promising, but i wana know what exactly is making you people take corsair as the winner.

Features wise also both are almost same..short circuit protector and stuffs.

Wud really appreciate what technically or what exactly the stuff thz making corsair the winner.

W8ing for reply...asap..need to buy PSU

Building RIG:
Intel C2D 4300 (Temp Basis till i step on to QUad)
Abit IP35 Pro
2gb DDR2 800mhz RAM (Transcend or COrsair)
CM 690 Chassis :D
W8ing for PSU...please advice
ok..ENUFF of corsair...i know all the crap...i just wana know if anybody can explain the difference between both of them technically..or just all are blindly following the Corsair path since years!!! Anybody has any technical idea about it??? dont reply with just the crap like corsair rox..am using corsair and all crap please..reply only if you know the technical difference. May be this tagan BZ series is better than corsair HX...if NO the please explain.
If you cant explain the technicall difference between both of them then u cant even rate corsair as the BEST. May be other brand has better than corsair..just wana know properly
Id go for the Tagan , i have used it myself and it works like a charm , also 700w is always going to be safer than 600w

you can read the reviews here and decide for yourself


+1 for the HX620 .. main thing in favor of the corsair is that it could act like a single rail psu, delivering most of the 52Amps over a single rail if the need arises ... besides if you are looking to spend around 7.5k better consider the Corsair TX750 for a few hundred more
There is Turbo mode on Tagan as well. IF the time and need arise it could do the same thing by delivering more amps on 12v line.( turbo switch is on the back of the psu.

The good thing in favor of Corsair is that its tried and tested by many over the last year. Its proven good PSU with great efficiency.

From the reviews Tagan does look promising. But shelling out over 7k on tagan does not really make sense when HX620 is cheaper.
manu1991 said:
Id go for the Tagan , i have used it myself and it works like a charm , also 700w is always going to be safer than 600w

you can read the reviews here and decide for yourself



The corsair's 620W is an assured under many conditions. 620 watts is NOT its max. Its actually more. The Max power rating is actually more. where as Tagans max is 700W, as i understand