Tata Indicom broadband users -some sites blocked ?

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from few days any Tata indicom broadband users getting any problem specifically accessing public index torrent sites ?

for me the pirate bay , youtorrent are not accessible but they both work with proxysmurf . Other sites like mininova,btjunkie ,isohunt are working fine without proxy .

so any other Tata indicom users getting this problem also ? :huh:
I have no problem accessing with pvt trackers .
i used to face the same issues with slow download speeds on torrent with public trackers like piratebay and torrentz linked sites.....

but with private trackers the speed used to be above 220 kBps....

finally i had to switched to rapidshare related linksa dn then onwards loving it....... check with the tata guys they say some firewall setting which ince corrected will fetch the speeds but in my case they didnt do it..... hence my NAT status is alwayz RED in utorrent...
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