Tata Wimax Auto Login (working!)


If your using tata wimax , i ve written my own autologin application . check the attachment out.

its a simple app that keeps u login forever. as long as tata servers aren't down or ur lan connection dosnt need to be repaired. everything is simple and clear. just go to setting window and save ur username and pass and domain .

working greate on XP, on vista in order to get it to work, after installing go to the app folder, right click on tataAutoLoginApp.exe file , properties, in compatibilty tab choose "run as administrator" checkbox.

send me your feedbacks plz.

24 May 2009: I ve update the application to version 1.7.8 , features added. interval set related bugs removed. ability to detect incorrect username and password and if there is no net connectivity.
25 May 2009: Version 2 Completely uses different engine than 1.7.8 . relying completely on .NET libraries , no slow html and IE instances used anymore. so it's much faster than 1.7.8 ,it uses less CPU and RAM resourses.uninstall 1.7.8 and try TataAutoLoginSetup2.0.0.zip in attachment.

29 May 2009
v2.1.5: "The applictaion failed to start because application setting incorrect..." issue resolved.
Feature "save password option" added.
security enhanced.
AutoLogin Disabled mode" working again!
issue of hanging while logging in , in some pcs is resolved.
complete source code :(check the 2nd attachment)


  • TataAutoLoginApp2_CompleteSourceCode.zip
    867.7 KB · Views: 486
  • TataAutoLoginSetup2.1.5.zip
    212 KB · Views: 540
even if u remove that login page, tata servers log u out after somewhile. and if u downloadin while u are afk or u are asleep it would be waste of time and power.
I hope you are right. but it will be useful for time based or usage based customers. who want to have the log out option to make sure nothin in background using internet. or for whom want to have the log out option anyway to keep their computer away from dangers in internet.
The services provided for prepaid and postpaid connections are slightly different, the latter being better.
When i first got my 512 kbps connection wimax conn from Tata (prepaid) i had to login and get logged out approx. every 13hrs or so. But after shifting to their 1Mbps connection (postpaid), i googled around a little and found a post describing the process by which you are entitled to call customer care and ask them to disable PAT ( i believe that's what it's called) and voila! you're done :) you'll always stay logged in.
I have got this software from India broadband but their search option didnt work well so I had to dig it out the old fashion way :p. That was for reliance BTW. Are you the same guy?
The Sorcerer said:
I have got this software from India broadband but their search option didnt work well so I had to dig it out the old fashion way :p. That was for reliance BTW. Are you the same guy?

am I the same guy?! what guy u are talkin about. whats search option?! it makes no sense to put search option in auto login application. have u ever seen my app?

btw, its not designed for reliance users. if u really want something for reliance wimax, save reliance login and log off pages, attach , maybe i can do somethin. but as im a tata user u ve to test it urself.
^^Thanks for the apllication mate..working for me ..but it still got few bugs.
will u plz upload the source code for me ??
the links u have given arent working for me
could u tell me what were the bugs u found? so i can fix them. tnx.

i put the complete source code. check the 2nd attachment of my 1st post.
what is your time interval set to? if it is 60sec (default) it checks for connection (and login in case of no connection) every 60 sec, u can set it to minimum that is every 10 sec. do u mean its not automatically logging in at all when servers log u out? which operating system do u use?
if its not logging in back automatically, the only thing i can figure out is firewall, maybe ur firewall (windows firewall or others) is blocking it. if it's the case u shuld add this app to firewall's trusted zone. viruses are the other potential coz of the problem ur facing.

u can do one test and give me the results.

set the time intervals to 10sec, log out from the browser and wait at least for 1 min, see if app gives any of these two errors:


connection unavailable.

invalid username or password.


in case of 2nd one, its obvious that u ve given wrong user and pass,

in case of 1st one, u ve probably got the issue i ve mentioned at first.

anyway i have updated the app to 2.0.3 , and issue of hanging while logging in , is resolved. check that out.
No mate !i added to the TRUST list in my KIS ..so no issues with Firewall..
i am now at different place, will chk the latest version in the evening and will post u back the results..
it logs in manually but doesn't when servers kicks off..