OC & Modding Temp. opinions


This is the first time I've installed a aftermarket cpu HSF myself.

It is a Cooler Master Hyper 212 plus sitting on a AMD Phenom || x2 555.

I've overclocked the proccy to 3.6ghz using the multiplier only, and I have adjust the NB speed to 2200.

Here are my temps. :
Room : 35 degrees
Only 2 cores :
idle 23~24 degrees
100% load 34~36 degrees

unlocked 4 cores (TMPIN1 in H/W Monitor)
idle 24~25 degrees
100% load 34~38 degrees

I've used the two lines method of TIM application.
How are the temps??
You sure you getting idle temperatures less than room temperature..? How you verified the thermals..?
Those temps are not possible. At two cores the CPU socket temps should be reading right. recheck room temps and post a screenshot of your hwmonitor.
On only 2 cores right now, the room is at 27 degrees with A/C on and my room temp souvenir thingy is on the wall which has the pc back back to it.

Core temp and H/W monitor both show :

IDLE 20 degrees (AMD cool n quiet on)

MAX 31 degrees (OCCT:Linpack stress test)

For some reason when I unlocked the cores earlier, MSI's board automatically put my cpu vcore at 1.425 O_O

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

Photo of HW Monitor

Photo of my room temp