Test drive unlimited anyone?


So did anyone play it yet?

I got it a few days ago. Haven't played it much yet but seems nice. Its something like the GTA series but concentrated only cars and thigns to do with it. I like the part that you can go into any car showroom and take whichever car you want for a 2min test drive (SLR/Enzo :D). But the shitty part is that the handling of ALL the cars is horrible! whether its a TT or a 7 series or an Enzo.. It all suks.. and the better the car gets, the bigger engine only makes it worse for handling. Didn't play too much yet so will comment more later..
its playing like shit on my pc :(

i was looking forward to this game SO much.

thankfully c&c3 is about a week away. and i have my wow addiction as well :p
hey man,
regarding car handling go into the settings menu and change the driver aids to fully automatic,it will greatly increase the car handling at high speeds and regarding the graphics if u see a lot of choppiness just alt tab out from the game and back in,ur video quality should be restored to normal
@indrajeet I thought of doing that but then it'l be like as if im handicapped :p all ill have to do is use accelerator :rofl: (jk)

N i have a 1950XT yaar which works perfectly.. no choppiness here :)
this is a really badly made game....stopping and restarting the game gives me flickering.....as in objects appear and disappear randomly (whole buildings, cars etc) and corrupt texttures.....i have to restart my machine to get it to work properly again...my config is c2d 6300, 1 gb ram, gf 7900 gs and i can play it at a res of 1280x800 (that is when its working)
This game looked amazing on the X360, so I'm guessing it looks great on the PC as well. What do you mean by poor handling? Do you mean they aren't arcade racery smooth?(NFS) Because this is supposed to be a sim you know!
i used to face the same problem as you man,used to get corrupted textures etc etc,u dont need to restart the game all you do is just press alt tab and come out of the game and then go back in ur vgraphics will be restored.if it doesnt work first time try two three times it will definitely work.....
^^ Hey Udit, Just checked.. Even though many things in the game can be controlled by the mouse, its not possible to drive with it. Looked for options but doesn't look like its possible. Sorry man..