Budget 10-15K Testing study apps... emulator suggestions needed.


Dont want cheat/hack etc, just test few apps on VIRTUAL UI, if/if not kids details can get shared ONLINE..
Planned to test few apps, Before enrolling for an half year course.
Lot of advertisements on MEDIA these days..

Before initiating want to test if nothing goes wrong in near future.. .

If a good emulator for android (on PC) can get suggested, I shall finish my TESTs.
Left Android Work, 2 years ago, Requesting suggestion.

IF post is unsuitable can get removed ASAP..

As even Google provides emulator platform for tests..
There are plenty of fantastic Android emulators out there, available for free! There are, however, differences between a good and bad Android emulator. Nis is a widely trusted Android emulator. It’s the go-to Windows 10 Android emulator. For one, you’d be hard-pressed to find a more stable emulator on the market.