Thanks to Rohan from elitehubs.. for fixing my issue on phone.


Assembled new hardware from Elitehubs (in Mumbai) few months back.

Yesterday, Was unable to boot my system cannot enter BIOS as well.
Followed some suggestions from Microsoft answers and system completely stopped going to login screen, was going to boot loop.

Local hardware engineer, said some hardware failure and suggested to begin with reformat.

Called up Elitehubs and Rohan, suggested to send him a video of what is happening..
He suggested to take out ram, clean the same.. which will get PC FIXED..
Voila, system was up and running smooth as before.

Lol, wonder what would have happened with local hardware engineer !!!

Thanks to Elitehubs..
Didn't know elitehubs is a legit page. It appeared when i was searching for a keyboard and i thought oh there's another scam place again. Thanks for letting us know.
The less i comment about Microsoft suggestions the better. Sometimes i read them for comedy purpose
Seems ever since you have built a new pc something or the others keeps happening. Dont mind but whats your primary system usage?
Not issues, but questions mostly related to Windows 10, as my earlier PC was 10+ years old and was using same with Windows 7..
Was new to Windows 10 (on old machine tried Windows 10, but it was way too slow performance, cause of old hardware)

Usage at present for entertainment, storage, browsing, MS Office.
This may just be marketing spam from Elitehubs themselves or maybe just paid post.
@mods there is no sense to this post - kindly delete it.
This is no marketing thing or promotion, neither am I related to them in anyway. (except buying hardware that too few months back)
I assembled major hardware components from this company.. took suggestions for what components to purchase at TE or Reddit.
I am very happy/impressed with there tech support (though there was no technical/service contract), If I would have followed suggestion from my local hardware engineer, unsure what components he might have replaced or charged me.

But anyhow, if this topic really sounds like marketing spam, should be removed.
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This is legitimate advice, time tested and proven. The other is "I don't know what the **** is this magic box or how it works but I'm going to make my living duping people into believing I know how to fix it."
Now I don't even think about the issue in the first time, I be like "first restart, then if the issue is still there, come back" :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:
On a side note, I'm willing to bet the issue was just that the DIMM was loose, and reseating it would have solved the issue without any cleaning required.
Yes. This might be case as well.

I was suggested to clean DIMM (with a non dust eraser or with the isopropyl alcohol), didn't had both, so used soft cloth.

But does DIMM gets loose in a closed cabinet on its own (for my knowledge) ?
Was surprised as local hardware technician had no knowledge about this.
It generally shouldn't. But if it wasn't installed properly in the first go, minor knocks to the case can knock it loose enough for it to not function.
But from that perspective, properly installed RAM shouldn't get dirty in the case either, should be no need to clean it (I mean the contacts, dust etc on the PCB has no effect).
Was surprised as local hardware technician had no knowledge about this.
Stop going to/asking this guy for PC stuff, he is clueless and will only waste your time and money.
Story from 2005-06. My second build. Some pentium dual core hyper threaded cpu. PC would reboot whenever there was a bit of load, for example loading a game. I had no clue it was a faulty motherboard (back then I was scared to even take the cabinet side panel off). The technician cum assembler who did the system came. I asked what seems to be the problem. He says, listen, in computer matter anything could be the problem. He took away my keyboard and mouse first, says lets start with simple things you know. I was glad, thinking these are easy items to replace. More than a week went by. He took every part of my system one by one and tested in his house, and only to came back saying no something is wrong. It's best to upgrade the system, I am giving heavy discount at present.
Sorry, just had to share this story. This guy still owns a computer shop. Not that anyone really goes to him for advice (except some 50+ y.o. uncles), but hes still known as a renowned computer technician in my area.
If I face simliar issues, the debug LED lights in my motherboard are a god send. Fully agree with Steve from GamerNexus, debug LEDs are extremely helpful when such situations arise.

Sometimes my RAM fails to be detected from the PC. The first time it happened I RMA'ed my RAM, then it happened again! I read up on using Rubber eraser to clean the gold contact points (No force, just rubbing it lightly also works). 99% of the times, it does the trick. The other 1% in my case turned out to be the PSU lol.