That's not real music!


So, these came in at various times this last week.

Yes, I could go out and learn a real instrument, but this is so much easier. :p

The Box

The Drums

The Guitar

Needed these to play it.

And something to connect that to...

IF you had stuck to real music you could have gotten away spending much less than you have this time... :p

Great buys, have fun man! :)
Sei said:
IF you had stuck to real music you could have gotten away spending much less than you have this time... :p

Great buys, have fun man! :)
true, but would have spend 100x the time being able to play anything :p
awesome purchase.

i myself ordered rockband 2 full kit with game, mic, guitar & drums for the ps3 from usa. i had tried it at a friends place & it simply rox & blows away any other game.

am waiting for it to arrive. ended up costing me 11k. what about yours.
wow looks amazing :D

err but how do all these instruments work ?

does one need to have prior knowledge/ experience of the instruments ?

nevertheless looks like some real fun !
FaH33m said:
wow looks amazing :D
err but how do all these instruments work ?
does one need to have prior knowledge/ experience of the instruments ?

nevertheless looks like some real fun !

no prior knowledge is needed.
FaH33m said:
wow looks amazing :D
err but how do all these instruments work ?
does one need to have prior knowledge/ experience of the instruments ?

nevertheless looks like some real fun !

just need to know to headbang and powerslide :D
Thanks everyone.

Rock Band is easy to start playing, no prior knowledge required.

The drums and the guitar have five buttons each. (Five for the guitar on the fret and 4 + Pedal for the Drums). For each song, it's just a sequence of button presses matching the notes in the song. The fewer mistakes you make, the more points you get.

Got good deals on them, actually.

Rock Band 2 - (Game + Drums + Guitar + Mike) = 85$ (~4k)
PS3 = 340$ (~16k)
Extra Dual Shock 3 controller = 40$ (~2k)
Samsung 42inch Plasma (PN42B450.) = 700$ (~33k)

The samsung is 720P. Realised that at 42inch and below, full HD is not required and not worth spending the extra 300$ for a full HD plasma at the same size. (And the Wii would look really horrible at that resolution. :p)

The HDMI cable isn't here yet. :no: Hopefully it gets here soon, borrowed Wall-E and Kung Fu Panda from the library.
amigoatul said:
Awesome prices man. All this stuff for 55k. Way to go!

FullHD wudve been perfect.

Would have been nice, but like I had mentioned, the Wii and the PS2 would have looked ugly on it. (They already look bad on 720p.) :ashamed:

And it was not worth 300$ extra to me.

I also looked around on AVSForum, and most people said that for 42inch and below, it's rather difficult to notice the difference between fullHD and 720p.

@Fah33m - Yes, I am located in the US.