The $8.45 showoff + microreview


Jus got it delivered. took its own sweet time getting here.
was backordered for almost a month since i wanted it in black. then it takes 3 weeks to get shipped.
at the end of it all, its finally here :)

the packaging itself was almost the size of a post card and i was wondering why it was so big.
settled snugly inside though was the Fiio and boy is it small.

The E3

Size comparison with my Meizu Miniplayer


The real kicker is holding it. It is DAMN small. this should give a better idea of how small. that battery there is a AAA battery.

Reviews i had read had rightly commented about a hissing when the Fiio is matched with a few players and fones and unfortunately that seems to be true for my case. it aint that much of an issue coz the hiss disappears once a track starts playing. it aint that much of an issue infact coz during track transitions where one expects silence, one gets silence.

as far as music quality is concerned, i can only comment from the pov of a nooby who's taken the plunge only coz this thing is so cheap :p.
Tried the fiio with a pair of ep630s and my x3i's.

the first thing you'll notice is that the volume is up. this despite me having read about the fiio having no significant effect on volume. might be because both the sets i tried are basically low impedance fones.

The bass of the x3i's is very good and despite that i generally use my eq to up it a bit. with the fiio i just turn the bass enhancement off because it only makes the bass a bit too overpowering and muddy. the fiio gives sweet clean bass. just the way i like it.

The trebles also get a nice cleaning if you would. the trebles on my setup were always a bit hard to discern clearly when i pumped them up from the eq. No such issues.
all in all a totally worthwhile buy at 8.45usd for someone looking at a bit more volume(ifanboi's ?) and cleaner bass :)
not like ur gonna be gone forever.. or are you? :lol:

place your order. if yours doesnt tip up by the time you leave, i'll let you take mine.
Congrats ! From your review it seems to be worth every penny.

Ill try the X3 with this amp and see if there is any improvement since you say the bass and trebble is improved and the X3 is a little bit lacking in exactly those departments.

When is the next meet ???