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Re: The Fitness Thread !

Why is it stupid I dont understand if the form he is doing is correct.

He did only 43 reps in total and that is quite normal..He must be using a smith machine and 100 is easily acheivable for an intermediate body builder.

There are some days where you may be able to push urself a little extra and there is nothing wrong in that.(and vice versa)

@M-jeri - I dont know ur previous weights and reps but if you are improving keep it up...

Take enough rest, sleep well, give atleast 48 for the same muscle to recover and most importantly eat quality food. Then you are good to go again.

Lot of cooks spoil the food. Bro if you have any doubt better do your own research. BB is not exact science and there are no fixed rules. Just make sure you are following the basics and keep away from injury.

There is also no 100% guarentee that which works for me works for you also and if something is working well for you then is no reason to change.