The Funny Thread

The cd is made of metal. The insides will be magnetic though. Ever heard of Metallica? They used to do the same :). These are the rest of the b(r)ands who manufacture those metal cds
the cd is not made of metal.......lolz
edrill is correct its GENRE is metal
like rock, pop, hip-hop metal is also a genre.
Khimera said:
Dont lie Edrill. What is genre and what is metal??!!:tongue:

You got me dude!! I lied!!! I'm sorry!! I didn't mean too!!!!! :bleh:

Heh heh heh...

@RiO: Sorry for the thread-crapping, but you can enjoy the free bumps!
It's one of those don't know whether you need to laugh or cry type of situations. I hope they restrict everything and get us back to stone age. I'm tired of seeing this AI future everywhere.