The Lian Li PC-A70F XTREME EDITION - A True Beauty


Hello folks! :)

This was the grand purchase I had been waiting for a long time now. I had planned on buying this sometime last year but hadn't gone through till now. Took the plunge into the fine craftsmanship of Lian Li cabinets finally.

Here is my brand new Lian Li PC-A70F XTREME EDITION full tower cabinet, in all her glory:

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This cabinet is mighty, mighty BIG! It seriously is huge. I had a CM HAF 932 prior to this and this just towers above it. The thing that impresses me the most is the insides of the cabinet, the build quality is just sheer PERFECTION and it oozes class. Love it to bits. Easy to work with and very very roomy within. This is just so much more than just a normal full tower cabinet, the features and once again the top build quality speaks volumes about the care Lian Li has taken for crafting this beauty.

I would whole heartedly thank PhOenix (Sudhir) for making it possible to get Lian Li here in India. Also... many thanks for tolerating the countless number of times I've eaten your head regarding which LL chassis to go for. Keep up your great work mate! :D

A huge thanks to Sankhadeep, one of the great friends I have here on TE. Without your help, this cabinet would not be sitting pretty on my desk. Owe you a big beer mate! :eek:hyeah:

Finally... a huge cheers to MD Computers (Kolkata) for stocking Lian Li cabinets. :clap:

Cheers Guys! Hopefully my next show-off thread will be soon. :)
Phoenix should add a line below lian li's banner- pictures never do the justice :p.

She's a very big case, probably the last one you will ever buy.
Congrats looks like a monster compared to your monitor.... :D

Does the temp monitor and fan speed LCD come as a default with this case ?
Thanks guys!!

@ The Sorcerer:

Yes, agreed. I had even gone through your Lian Li A70F show-off thread which you had posted when you had got this last year. Saw the photos you posted many many times over in the last few days before buying this case. One epic case this. :)

@ ronnie_gogs:

Yah, my 20" monitor looks measely by it's side. LOL!

I'm actually using the NZXT Sentry LX fan controller. The best part of the controller is that it also comes in a pure black brushed aluminum finish which melts with the cabinet beautifully.
Thanks guys!!

@ Sabby:

Yah, just that now I'm a poor poor man after buying this from Sudhir. How about you gifting me the monitor mate? ;)

@ Sankhadeep:

Thanks bro, your own set-up inspired me to begin with. Your Lian Li P80 is really FANTASTIC! :eek:hyeah: