The Mega-ha-lem-s

Dark Star

Well I never thought I will buy this. Just went to the shop for buying bro. computer and got this :D

Let the pics do the talking :bleh:


Damages : I can't tell :p But its way lower than what you can expect :bleh:
Fan : Scythe Sflex 75cfm

Temps : 40*C - Phenom II X4 B50 @ 3.77 full load.

Haven't OC much. WIll do that after reinstalling windhooz :p

^^Yes, I know.. I cannot unscrew it because the fan screw has become bad now the screwdriver cannot screw it out :( Need a plas to pull it out :p
Congrats. Nice Buy.:)

Now that can be considered as UPgrade over SCCF.

Dark Star said:
^^Yes, I know.. I cannot unscrew it because the fan screw has become bad now the screwdriver cannot screw it out :( Need a plas to pull it out :p need to unscrew it and put it as exaust Fan. It is blowing air in opposite direction to what, Fan on your heatsink is.