The Sound Of Music!!

After a long wait, its finally here - Audio Nirvana in to form of Klipsch S4!

Damages - 80$ (Rs 3700 approx)



haraakiri said:
congrats! Be sure to burn it for around 100 hours to reduce sibilance.
Umm I have no idea about this burn in thing? Do I just keep them playing for a 100 hours?

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GuruGulabKhatri said:
Congoz Mate.... Did u buy it thru KMD?
Nope, asked my cousin to pick it up for me from the US.
^ Its good to get lost in audio nirvana :p

Congrats to the OP .S4 is one IEM ,Ive been wanting to try since a very long time now.
FaH33m said:
^ Its good to get lost in audio nirvana :p

Congrats to the OP .S4 is one IEM ,Ive been wanting to try since a very long time now.
Tell me about this burn in process please? Do I have to keep playing either pink or white noise for atleast 100 hours? Is this continuous or I have to do it in certain intervals?
BF1983 said:
Congrats !!!

Just play music at slightly higher volume for about a week overnight and you should be fine.
Thanx, Im doing that now, its been about 50 hours till now. Is it supposed to be continuous or can I use the earphones for 1-2 hours in the day?