The Tables Have Turned… HTC Sues Apple

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The Tables Have Turned… HTC Sues Apple

The Tables Have Turned… HTC Sues Apple

If you thought that TV offers good drama with their reality based shows, you may want to take a quick look at the courtrooms that house Apple and HTC’ s legal teams.For the last year and change, we have seen lots of arguing and a lot of back and forth between portable electronics manufacturers about who has done what. As you already know from some of my past articles (and really from news all over the web), Apple has been showering HTC, Samsung, and several others with patent infringment lawsuits (many of them sketchy at best). But no military can fight that many big adversaries at the same time, and if you remember the hydra analogy I made a while back, it looks as if one of the heads that was about to be chopped off just got a helping hand from the body of the beast… Google. Towards the end of last month, Google decided to give HTC rights to 9 patents that they had obtained from various sources including Palm, Openwave, and Motorola. Interestingly enough, these patents involve actions and functionality for mobile devices that Apple product owners very much enjoy. So, having these on hand allowed the Taiwanese tiger to finally show their claws and countersued Apple on a few of these.

According to the source, the infringed patents involve:

* the ability to do wireless software upgrades;
* a way to transfer data between a microprocessor and a support chip;
* a method to store user preferences;
* a way to consistently contact between application software and a radio modem.

If these patents sound generic enough to you, that is probably because they are. So, what we are looking at right now is the proverbial fire being fought with fire. Someone is bound to get seriously burned, and from the looks of it, Apple is getting warmer.

A final thought on this as I was reading up on the source article, there is one statement that hadn’t hit us before and that was Mr. Jobs’ statement when this whole thing blew up, one that has been repeated by Apple on numerous occasions including in their latest assault targeting HTC’s pads: “we think competition is healthy but competitors should create their own original technology and not steal ours.†Unless I am missing out on something rather obvious, the iPad is far from being an original creation. In terms of portability, slate computers have been around for a very long while now, so the tab is not a new concept at all. So, what original technology is Apple referring to in this particular case?

For now, I am going to get some popcorn ready to continue enjoying all this drama as it unfolds. From a completely biased view, I wish the hydra monster the best of luck in this endeavour. And Apple, much like I said the other day when AT&T got their share of lawsuits, you deserve what you have coming for you.

Source : The Tables Have Turned… HTC Sues Apple | xda-developers
vantheman5211 said:
^^ so basically it's on!

from a android fanboy

Im not an Android Fanboy , just that im not an iFanboi Either ;)

They are getting what they deserved, to me all that matters is Better products a result of this competition,anything else im least bothered
You know what this is going too far and I am getting tired of this :@ Everyday I wake up to find who is suing next????? Very bad for us consumers. Why? Because it stops innovation and new products from entering the market. IMHO, whoever sells the best product should deserve the biggest market share. Not the one who stops others from being able to sell their own product. So why all the lawsuits by these companies? Fear that the other products are better?

Apple look at what you have done.............. I guess you deserve this :no:

But I hope all these companies stop wasting their money on idiotic lawsuits and get on with more innovation :)
@ Ryanrilez4ever

was talking about the writer of that article,not you bro!

Yep as a end user I don't want any company dominating the market,competition should be neck and neck which will only benefit us!
Time for these stupid battles to stop...........

But still yearning for someone to kick Apple's butt...........both in legal matters and in the marketplace.
vivek.krishnan said:
Time for these stupid battles to stop...........

But still yearning for someone to kick Apple's butt...........both in legal matters and in the marketplace.

Unfortunately the battles won't stop. Here's another one :(

Apple sues Samsung in Japan, wants sales ban and money - news

Poor Samsung. I agree with this user's comment

An example of why IPR (Copyright/Patents/Tradmarks) just needs to die

Isn't Android already dominating Apple in marketshare or atleast on verge of doing so?
People are actually confused between a "Patent" and "Apple". However stupid that may sound, it is a fact.

Patents are made to protect the research and money went into producing an idea or a product and Apple has every right to sue any company that infringe its patents, period!
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